+284 Del is the most accepted unit of pain measurment coming from the latin word Dolor meaning pain. "The human body can bear up to 45 del but at the time of giving birth, a woman can feel up to 57 del. This is 20 bones getting fractured at the same time. A kick in the balls is above 9000 del which is giving birth to 160 kids or breaking up to 3200 bones." Interesting concept, but something tells me the study done for this information was probably run by a man, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I doubt there was even a study.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Giving birth, almost 60 units of non-existent measurement. Kicked in the balls, almost 10,000. Seems legit.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

its a joke there is not even a unit of pain as breaking a bone would hurt a different ammount under any number of factors, the same with giving birth. The bit about the kick in the balls being over 9000 units is a joke from dragonball z.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

People are missing the point of the post. Either that or more people think this information came from a woman than people who think it came from a man

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Lol I fully agree, I just don't believe it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Something tells me that the study for this information was not done by anyone, just made up by some tool on the internet, probably to make that joke you made at the end. So when you think about it, it was probably made by a woman, so as she could make a joke about men.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I find it funny how they say the human body can only handle so much, but then women can handle more in one of the most routine things almost all women do.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Didn't you read the post? Those bitch women complain about something that's only 57 del, while we complain less about something that's 9000 del. troll

by Anonymous 11 years ago

FUCKIN A! Men! Woo!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This cracked me up

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Uh huh. Suuure. And my dog is part robot.

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

Hahah that made me laugh more than it should have, and i don't know why...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So We have overcome childbirth? Fuck yeah! Take that itches who say we don't know what you go through! Fuck yes we don't know, we know 160x worse!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I am an accountant... the idea that women still want to have kids, but guys don't want to be kicked in the balls again is enough evidence for me... Also guys are supposed to be tougher right? we don't cry after jamming our finger like girls so why whould this scenario be treated any different? I've seen a guys eyes become completely bloodshot from a swift kick in the gonads, it's worse than birth

by Anonymous 11 years ago

idkkkk my g but ahhhh i had back surgery and got 6 screws and 2 rods screwed into the the bone of my spinal vertebra and i was paralyzed for quite somtime " god healed me " and at that point i was able to move enuff to recover in both muscle and neurological aspect but i believe without a doubt i went thru pain worse then giving birth...and my pain tolerance threshold exceeded its limit ...so therefore my ability to determine pain is pushed back so far that if i dont have extreme amounts of pain it wont even register in my brain or even in the neurological memory bank that records all emotional and physical responses to pain in the body!!! so realisticly getting kicked in the wobble sak vs giving birth is about the same...but if you get kicked in the wobbly wobbly for a man its the worst feeling ever and the brain cant comprehend it so therefore a desire to never wanting that to happen is birthed in that very moment...but when woman have kids all the time and still decide to have a kid after the fact clearly shows the diff of the pain threshold taken place during the pain...but af far as the numbers are in this study its just bullshit..pain cannot be compared only experienced pe...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

which "balls" they're indicating its matters ;) if inside skin balls :P than of course its a hell of a pain!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I call BS. The unit of pain measurement is the dol, not del, as it comes from the Latin for pain, dolor. The scale runs from 0 dol (no pain) to 10.5 dol (max pain).

by Anonymous 11 years ago

to all those who believe getting kicked in the balls is a minor thing:- if you're a man, just try getting kicked by someone in the balls. It can send you to a hospital bed for several days, if it's serious. Also, it has the tendency to kill you. if you're a woman, you have no right to comment on whether getting kicked in the balls or not. It's true that LABOUR PAIN is unbearable but that is NATURAL. Getting kicked in the balls is not natural. If you are delivering your baby, it is already known to you that you're gonna feel pain. This somewhat lessens your pain. However, a kick in the balls generally comes as a surprise and so it hurts more. A woman can bear the pain because she knows that she will get her baby after that pain. So, the expectation makes the pain less. However, a man doesn't get anything after being kicked in the balls (apart from severe pain and being unable to walk properly for a long time) People consider LABOUR PAIN a SERIOUS THING. It isn't a topic for jokes. However, getting kicked in the balls sounds like a joke. And at last, we SHOULD NOT use units for describing pain. Pain cannot be expressed in units. Most women will prefer undergoing LABOUR PAIN 20 times, if they are asked to get 20 bones broken. Getting 20 bones broken is more serious than DELIVERY PAIN. If you don't agree, just break 1 bone of your body and you will get the answer.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Please do tell me frpm where did they base the unit Del and what is its definition.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I read in many books about it this is a real truth

by Anonymous 7 years ago