+165 You'd rather go to hell than meet the Westboro Baptist Church in heaven, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm pretty sure hell is made up of those guys.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoTlwnPkP6M I saw this and thought, what the actual fuck. This makes me lose so much hope for humanity. I feel so bad for that kid. The way he talks about the Jews and homosexuals just breaks my heart. I feel like they're being forced against their will to say stuff like that. All their innocence is broken. I don't even know what to say.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Honestly it makes me cringe to know these people exist. Who the FUCK do they think they are? If God is real, he better hate the fuck out of these people. God. Anger rage moment. So glad I don't live in Topeka.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The Westboro baptist church will NOT be in Heaven, I hope. (Yeah I know, I'm not God, who am I to judge that?) they are sinful people. They say they are Children of God, but what about the judging? The protesting? The hate towards others that they have? God does not like it when we're hateful and judgmental to others. Especially people who fight to keep their asses safe. Honor Thy Neighbor. Do Unto Others As You Want Them Done Unto You. Those so called "Christians" must have never learned that in Sunday school. I want them to protest at Ozzy Osborne's funeral, as bad as it sounds (I like Ozzy, don't get me wrong). But all the heavy metal heads would lose their shit and just rip those Westboro pricks to pieces.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, you'll be dead.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Honestly, like many others have said; who's to say that the WBC will go to Heaven? Hell, Jesus said the most important commandment was to love him, and then to love your "neighbor" (not your literal neighbor). Going around talking about how God hates fags and how they will go to Hell is pure hate; no love. God loves everybody, including homosexual/bi people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's a hypothetical. The post is saying that //if// God actually thought the Westboro Baptist Church was doing the right thing, the OP would want nothing to do with him, even if it meant eternal damnation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If the WBC rules are the guide-lines for Heaven, then I choose Hell because that's where everyone will be while the WBC is alone in Heaven.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I heard something interesting once. By the boundaries of heaven as exemplified by many, Hitler could very well be accepted into heaven. He was a man who thought what he believed was right and did everything in his power to bring his beliefs to fruition. He worked and strived harder than any other man in the last 70 years to make his moral beliefs a reality, which in a sense means he is devout. If he showed up at judgements gates and god basically said 'This is what was incorrect, this is where you went wrong' and hitler said 'Oh my god, how could I have been so blind! Please accept my forgiveness, I understand now!' and With that enlightenment and a second chance he could have become hugely beneficial to the world. I understand judgement in this sense, as with hitler, the WBC isn't evil, merely misguided. But they have strived throughout their lives to do what they think Is right for the world, what have you done for the world in accordance with your beliefs so far? Equally, they could also both disagree with Gods actual view, and fall to the deepest depths of damnation for the worst sin of all, rebellion, as Originalized by lucifer himself. Interesting concept

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, that just sounds like a lose/lose situation. If they truly are what God wants us mortals to be, and God really as they believe He is (viscously slaughtering millions for not hating a particular group), Heaven honestly doesn't sound like a much better place than hell. Actually, if the WBC's beliefs WERE true, then only WBC members are going to heaven (as they have flat out stated before), so we have nothing to worry about, anyway!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Trust me, they may be burning along with you... the entire principle of living as a Christian is to love everyone no matter their demographic... which, quite clearly, they haven't exactly done...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hey protested at Fort Hood today, and they had the audacity to bare signs that read "God loves dead soldiers" and those condemning the LGBT community. I wanted to punch them all.

by Anonymous 12 years ago