+164 It's possible for someone to be pro-choice but against abortion. You can keep your personal and political view separate and support what's best for the country, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Killing babies is what's best for the country?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I see where you are coming from, and although I respect your opinion I have to wholeheartedly disagree with it. I am anti-abortion you could say, but I am still pro-choice. In my ideal world people would all want to keep and love and care for their babies but I am not so arrogant to say that my opinion is the only correct opinion or that I have the right to tell people to do what to do with their lives and bodies. I also know that this is not my ideal world because in that world there would be no REASON for abortion in the first place. There would be no rape or sex slavery, anyone taking part in incest (between consenting adults) would take proper care to avoid it with multiple forms of birth control. And that anything not between consenting adults or hell even willing teenagers wouldn't happen so there would be no rape or molestation period. In this ideal world women would have an off switch that they could pull when they didn't want to get pregnant. I know however that this is NOT my ideal world. People get raped or even just skip the bith control sometimes. Women have babies inside them that they don't want or (which is worse in some cases) they do want ...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I wish I could give you a high five.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, but we don't have the right to do as we want with our bodies... otherwise I would be able to fire guns in public places... because it is MY body. Why can't I rob people? My body wants to rob people, why are you denying me of my basic rights? And I'm not being arrogant, murder and robbery are illegal in most parts of the world, is that also due to arrogance? Maybe it is, according to you

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is not the same as theft or murder. Some of these women know with all of their being that the situation they are in is not safe or fair for a baby. Some of these women also know how flawed the adoption system is. Why is it fair for the CHILD to suffer in a bad situation? This is NOT the same as a violent crime. And also for the woman who found out the baby she tried so hard for is killing her the one who has to make the hardest decision or her life not have the right to choose? Why do you or anyone else get to decide whose life is more important?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you can't support a child, don't have sex.... If a murderer doesn't have the right to decide who gets to live, then why should a woman? I mean some murderers are MEN after all.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Lets use my example of the woman having complications to the point where the baby is literally killing her for the sake of agument since this does happen to poeple and can be applied to real life and also for the sake of agument say that abortion is illegal and is labeled murder to take your opinion into account now lets say a woman with these complications "murdered" the baby illegally because it was killing her under these terms she has the right to claim self defense and if this were an actual live attacker instead of a baby no one would claim she was wrong or a murderer. There are cases where abortion is sometimes the right thing for somebody because like in this example I feel someone should have the right to save r own life. And in other examples where death isn't the outcome for th mother unless an abortion takes place I feel they have the right to make a better future for themselves or not have to face looking into the eyes so similar to the one that haunt her every night .

by Anonymous 12 years ago

is it possible to be pro slavery but against it? no. pro choice means pro murder

by Anonymous 5 years ago