+234 People often forget about the new yet quickly growing form of discrimination: 90's kids against everyone else on Facebook, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also teenagers who think they're the coolest people in the world because they listen to old music (60's-80's) and not newer music.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't like how one will say they're a 90's kid and then someone older than them will tell them they're not, acting all high and mighty and like being a 90's kid is some club with strict rules and requirements. I was born in '96 and I still correspond myself with being a 90's kid b/c when I see a reference to the 90's, I remember the show or toy b/c I did grow up with it. So I hate when people deny me access to remember those things fondly. And I don't think I'm better than younger kids b/c of the decade I was born in...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah. People always say that people born in 1999 can't be a 90's kid. Well, you know what? 1999 IS part of the 90's! So, deal with it!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, and then a lot of kids born in the 80's claim to be a 90's kid because they were a kid during the time and remember the stuff, but that doesn't necesarily mean they grew up with the stuff

by Anonymous 12 years ago