+314 Gay men must have a great time if all the smart, nice, and attractive guys are gay, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Freddie Mercury, Neil Patrick Harris, and Jim Parsons. Just to name a famous few...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I feel like Jim Parsons wouldn't be as attractive if he wasn't the break out character on a really popular TV show.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

probably true, but i've seen interviews with him and he seems like a pretty nice guy. but to be honest, if any of them weren't celebrities, they wouldn't anything amazingly spectacular.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know where people get this idea that gay men are all just these perfect guys that girls just fall for. They're not. Most gay men I meet are vain, intolerable little shits. I want to punch well over half of them in the fucking groin. So I have a pretty terrible time with gay men.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Considering I /am/ gay and meet quite a lot of gay people online and quite a bit in real life, they're definitely pretty shitty. The flamers, especially. I guess if you like feminine, makeup wearing, superficial, whole-life-revolves-around-their-sexuality gay men, then sure a LOT of gay men are perfect for you. But if not, you're kinda fucked in the gay category. They don't start getting good until their early or mid 20s. If they're still vain, intolerable little shits after that, there's no hope for them, and I hope I never see them ever again.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just a note, don't treat them like your freaking accessories. Every woman I meet that just "LOVES GAY GUYS!!!" act like they're little trinkets they can use to vent to and shop with, like they're not human, just superficial buddies like a girl and a doll. "Taylor Lautner is SO hot!!" "I totes agree wow!" No. Also, I won't. Too cynical.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just like how all of the gay guys you've met are vain, intolerable little shits, girls have this idea in their head that all straight guys are rude, self-obsessed assholes and they'll never find the perfect man because they're all gay, taken, or fictional characters. And sometimes life just works out where that nice, attractive, funny guy is gay.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I am -ALSO- gay, and I do agree. I despise those whose entire lives revolve around their homosexuality. I made this post because all of my women friends constantly say all the guys who are both nice, smart, and attractive happen to be gay. I just want a gay man, not a stereotypical effeminate bitch.

by Anonymous 12 years ago