+119 Lasers would make excellent stealth starship weapons since, in a vacuum, only people about to get incinerated will be able to see the shots, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You lost me at Starship.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

A starship is a vehicle that can travel between star systems, like from ours (the Sol System) to the Centauri system. They travel through deep space, which is a vacuum other than the occasional hydrogen or helium molecule/atom

by Anonymous 11 years ago

a vaccum does not mean there is no light. just no sound. but by the time you saw the laser you would be dead

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You realize lasers are such that only people in their path can see them right? There are no particles to reflect the light so others can see.

by Anonymous 11 years ago