+156 When you've been dating somebody for 11 months and they tell you they don't see a future in marriage and you are the type of person that sees life as starting at the point of marriage, it makes you feel lower than shit, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Or he starts talking about a future after 3 months, and once you get used to it, after 18 months he tells you that he can't see his life with you. Best not to talk about futures, because once you do it ends up being complete bullshit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh my God, why are there not many more sane people with your thought process on Earth! Or why have I only come across those that don't have one like yours. Cruel world

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe it'll give you an opportunity to share your feelings with him and see if he can accept your ideas, or you his?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There's getting to know someone, what they like, what they believe, or don't believe, what they want to do in the future, simple stuff like that. Then there's saying stuff like "When we're living together..." "When we're older and we get married..." The guy I was with for a year and 1/2 was really into architecture, so he would say stuff like "Our house will look like this..." and at first I didn't like talking about //our// house in the future, but I got used to it and I talked architecture with him. After seriously talking about houses, it's seems unfair that I got so into that future, and then he just leaves. That being said, if both people are clear about what they want and are comfortable and honest about the future, it's a very important conversation to have.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Life doesn't start at marriage. It starts when...Well, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

inb4 abortion argument

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not 8 months and 28 days?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is oddly specific.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I want to vote on this but I only dated the guy for ten and a half months.

by Anonymous 12 years ago