+116 It would suck if the universe had lag. The larger the event, the more it would cause. Every time a neutron star was pulled into a black hole, the lag would get nearly unbearable, and a hypernova or supernova would cause a loss of connection or total freezing temporarily, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If this hypothesis were to occur, we wouldn't notice it. Time itself is also part of the Universe, and if the Universe ever experienced a 'lag', time would 'lag' too, so we wouldn't even realise if it happened.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What happens when we lose connection? We die? Or do we just go back to the pre-game lobby? In this case I think that'd be the womb.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

How is that relevant? That'd suck, too.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What if this does happen? But our realisation of it stops when it lags, so when reality comes back we resume too. So it feels like nothing happened...

by Anonymous 11 years ago