+283 It's really irritating when you're watching a movie for the first time with somebody and they keep asking what's going on. It's like, I haven't seen this either - how the fuck should I know? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The other day I was watching Moulin Rouge with my friend and every five seconds she was like bombarding me with questions.. I'm like DUDE YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD IS MINE I HAVEN'T EVEN FREAKING SEEN THIS.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I will admit that I am the one who does that... I agreed cause I kno it's annoying, but I still do it sometimes despite my self...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's annoying as well when you have seen it before and they keep asking, it's like JUST WATCH THE FILM IT WILL BE EXPLAINED

by Anonymous 12 years ago