+138 Perhaps it's better for us to never truly know if God is real or not. If it was ever 100% proved that He didn't exist, it would be absolutely crushing to millions of people, and who knows how many of them could find no more hope in living anymore. For some people who endure incredibly difficult lives the only thing driving them on could be the belief that one day it would be "God's will" that there would be better days ahead, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And how about if it was 100% proved that God did exist? I kind of would have liked to have seen both sides.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

irrelevant, gods not real.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Proving God exists wouldn't be the greatest out come either. New religious wars would start over who got it right first, if a correct religion was discovered then all that would happen is they'd take control of the world like religions have in the past. There's a very likely chance that a war would break out against the church and whatever else groups are resisting their claim to power and then we're looking at another Crusade. In my opinion, religion is cooling off as the years progress (in the sense that we're killing each other less over it), but if something as catastrophic as the discovery of God's existence or lack there of occurred, it could jump start an enormous loss of human lives. The only way this wouldn't end badly is if our discovering God caused him/her to take action and prevent us from killing each other.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There is no God and all of you religious people are just fooling yourselves by bickering over your various nonsense religions troll *waits for rage*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just think about if it was the opposite and we proved God was 100% real. There would be no faith involved. And really, what is religion without faith?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

About as crazy as religion with faith. Take that how you want.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

the only reason religion requires faith is because its all bullshit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

See, why do you have to say that? I'm a Christian, but I don't go around bashing people who don't believe in Creationism. Why is it so hard for people to accept other peoples opinion for what they're worth and agree to disagree. Nobody knows what happens after life. Nobody knows why we're here. I think that it makes more sense that this world was created by intelligent design because it makes more sense to me. Everything in this world just seems too perfect to be random. You probably disagree. You have every right to. But don't label religion as "bullshit" because it is every bit possible as whatever you believe.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

k, its still bullshit though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Kasanova. This is why you're pathetic, grow up.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

God is a way of life for many. God carries their burdens for them and if they were told that their god is fake 100%, then they would have to reevaluate life. If they found it pointless then they would have the ultimatum create a purpose or just end their pointlessness.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think all that 'belief' would be directed elsewhere. As an example; people might hold the notion of 'fate' a lot higher. and instead of 'god's will' it's the 'threads of fate' or whatever. In both accounts whether you believe or not, there will always be something people will blindly follow and blindly oppose. Whether there is proof or not. I'm not saying religion is fake, nor am i saying it's real. That's what i think anyway.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I knew a huge factor of this posts comments would be trolling asshole atheists who truly have nothing better in life than to be trolling asshole atheists. It's sad

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's sad that you think that they're trolling just because their opinion differs.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'd like to refer to the comment by Big_Boss please. Is that user a troll? Or do they just have a different opinion?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Troll, obviously. You said "a huge factor." Which isn't even close.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

'Huge factor' is completely an opinion. 'almost all' wouldn't make sense but to me even one trolling atheist ass could be a huge factor. Also regard Kasanovas response to BigTrex's perfectly reasonable explanation. It's definitely asshole-like and theres a definite possibility of trolling

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I kinda feel bad for people who feel like it's God's will for tomorrow to be a better day and that's their driving force to live. Makes me feel like they're unfulfilled in life.

by Anonymous 12 years ago