+276 Restraunts should make ice cubes of of all their different drinks so if you get a drink they can put the same type of ice cube in the drink. Like if you got Pepsi you would Pepsi ice cubes in it. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It'd even be amusing if they ran out of that type of ice cube and have to put sprite ice cubes in coke or something like that so that your drink would be like a gradual mix of the two.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I wonder if the freezing point of sodas is any different from the freezing point of water. I mean, it obviously is, because water's freezing point lowers with each thing that is dissolved in it, but soda is more a mixture than a solution... hmm Anyone more familiar with chemistry want to help me out?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Soda is a solution, except for when the carbon dioxide precipitates out, but even that exists in solution at some point. Yeah, it's melting point is lower that water, but most freezers are pretty far below 0 degrees celsius so the only effect is they will melt faster.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cool, thanks! (Er, no pun intended.)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I like the idea of mixing drinks via these flavored soda cubes. You could use Pepsi with Pepsi or for example Fanta with Pepsi. Awesome idea!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Or they could increase the size of the glass and use those cooling rock things. You get the same amount of soda, the cubes are universal, and the customers feel like the soda is bigger. The only disadvantage would be theft, but you could put a tag inside each rock to trigger an alarm if it goes outside.

by Anonymous 12 years ago