-31 It's annoying how bikers think that the world is their own personal bike path...Get your weird ass on the sidewalk, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Most places it's illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Here it's illegal if you're over the age of 12. Bikers shouldn't act like the world is their own personal bike path, but if OP thinks not biking on the sidewalk means the biker thinks the world is their bike path I doubt the bikers OP are talking about are doing that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Once while I was walking down a wide, like 7 feet wide, and this fucking prick almost hit me with his bike . Then the dude started ringing his stupid little bell. Now when I ride my longboard down the park paths I'll fuck with bikers acting like it's MY path.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Im fine if they're just riding along the road (if no sidewalk is available), but it gets annoying when they weave between cars at a stop light to try and get ahead. It's like "Hello?! You're missing the big "STOP" sign!"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're supposed to share the road. The world is not your own personal car path, either.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pedestrians: It's annoying when bikers ride on the sidewalk. Get on the freaking road!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There's a reason there's a bike lane. Bikes are supposed to act like cars. They should keep to the right to stay safe, but they have to turn left in the left turning lane like cars. And that's why there's hand signals.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not enough places have bike lanes. I went to college in a city without them, and I had to bike everywhere. If I went on the sidewalk, pedestrians got mad at me. If I went on the road (where I am technically supposed to go) drivers would get mad at me. BIKERS CAN'T WIN. /rage

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I only agree because it says "weird ass." *chuckling commences*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Bikers refers to motorbike riders. Motorbikes belong on the road.

by Anonymous 12 years ago