+275 The reason Suzanne Collins left Gale out of the epilogue was because she knew the fans wouldn't want to know he married Hannah Montana, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No way those two actually go through with it. No. Way. They're just doing it for the publicity. Or she's pregnant. Either way, they'll probably be broken up within a year or so. And if they do go through with it, it won't last long enough for it to even be considered a "marriage." And anyway, when Collins wrote the epilogue, I doubt she knew Liam whatever would be the one playing Gale or that those two would get engaged.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Chill, bro. 'Twas a joke.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

just saying, Miley and Liam have been together for like ever. Besides their little break up. They're precious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

@blonde_zoe: They've only been together since June of '09. They broke up in August of '10, got back together in September of '10, then split AGAIN in early November, but then "rekindled their relationship," and now they're engaged? Not exactly a match made in heaven, you know? I'm thinking it's all been nothing more than a publicity stunt. And before you accuse me of being obsessed with their relationship or anything, I just looked it up on wikipedia real quick; people say it's not a reliable website, but I for one find it really quite useful.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

3 years is a pretty long time. Im only defending them because I am legit in love with Miley Cyrus. So I can't accuse anyone of being obsessed with them. But a lot of people break up and make up and stay together, it is completely possible that they will stay together too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hmm I dunno, I don't think three years is a really long time. By that logic some people at my high school would have gotten married.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

well heaps of people have gotten married after 6 months and been perfectly fine. If they weren't planning to stay together, they wouldn't be engaged, right?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah that's true. Maybe I'm just young and naive but I don't see how you can tell you want to be with someone the rest of your life after such a short period of time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh, that's the guy who played him who's marrying that girl who played her? Cool! I guess.

by Anonymous 12 years ago