+207 Although they're both pretty badass, Ironman deserves more respect than Batman. He physically created his own suit through the careful application of his mathematical, technological and engineering skills. Batman just took Lucius Fox's shit and spray painted it black. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But batman actually uses his physical skills to fight, not just his suit

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Basically, sit strength vs brains. Wayne is probably about as smart as Stark, but we've all seen which is more effective. In a fight between them, ironman would win.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

See I think batman would win, I just think he's more clever and he'd find a way. He kicked supermans ass so he's pretty damn adaptable

by Anonymous 12 years ago

BAtman would have some sort of kryptonium weapon/armour if he fought superman. What would he use against ironman? Ironman has no weakness. Just people stronger than him. He'd easily block any wireless computer virus, and have long ranged attacks so wired ones have no effect.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That first reply had nothing to do with my comment. Were you just trying to get at the top of the comment section?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Did you just say iron man has No Weakness? Whatsoever? There is not a single thing billionaire genius Bruce Wayne could possibly think of to beat a suit of armour? I recognize that Tony stark is the same thing but saying he has no weaknesses is ridiculous. Off the top of my head I'm thinking an EMP or some way to exploit Iron mans narcissism and arrogance. I think batmans superior attitude and method of attack would be everything

by Anonymous 12 years ago

@ Smithers I meant that the suit means that Stark has brains. Batman has strength, Stark used his brains to make artificial strength. I was still talking to you. @John Don't you think that if we have EMP shields today that Tony would have better ones? Especially since his life literally depends on no power failure? Stark has lasers, which travel at the speed of light, he can spin to make them go everywhere. Batman can't dodge that, so he might win if he gets Tony drunk first. That's the only weakness that might really work, and that's pre-fight, so it's cheating. And it's no like Tony charges in like the Hulk. He has strategy too. It jsut matters less because of superior firepower.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree. Although I like batman more, iron man would kick his ass

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think looking back on batmans general style we can assume it wouldn't work like that. Batman wouldnt go into the fight without thinking of absolutely Evetything, his armor would be coated in an extremely high tech reflector like material that negated or resisted the specific energy that is Tony Starks lasers. It was a general idea, batman would have some kind of emp adjescent device or some kind of power over load device specially created and adapted for Tony because batman would already know the technology inside out. That's what I mean when I say attitude and strategy, because batman actually has it. No where in the movies does it really suggest Tony plans or has strategies for his combat other than flying shooting and punching a lot. But point being that batmans reaches are near infinite. In many of the newer comics batman has his own 'Batsuit' which flies and has ridiculous amounts of weaponry. In all likelyhood batman would wear that to a fight with iron man and it would be specially adapted for a fight with iron man. Tony would show up in his latest suit expecting to kick some ass through his usual capabilities.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I like this discussion. Still, batman would have to find another way around it because he can't completely disable the suit without killing Tony, and that's also not his style. tony's palm lasers can concentrate their thruster power into an explosion, a literal hand grenade. And i think you underestimate Tony. He doesn't see much in regular bad guys or opponents, but if he and batman existed in the same universe, he'd know of him and not take him so lightly. Even someone as care-free as Stark would have at least two-layered counter systems (to counter Batman's counters) THe way I see it, Ironman is a tank, and Batman is a weaponised Humvee. Ironman can survive just charging in, so he doesn't need plans as such, but Batman really needs strategy. However, he's more agile and could defeat Tony if everything goes right. Knowing Marvel and DC however, a joint comic would end in both heroes almost dying, one getting up first, helping the other up, and then they start fighting crime together for a few books. Knowing these two in particular, they'd also have to pool funds to repair the city.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well if batman upgraded maybe he could beat iron man, but that really isn't the discussion. Both superheroes as they are, iron man would win. The only way I see batman winning is if he broke into stark enterprises and attacked Tony while he wasn't in his suit, which he could easily do, but that also isn't really fair in this discussion, since we are talking batman vs iron man, not bruce vs Tony. And I do agree with you that iron man doesn't really plan his attacks ( in the avengers he just said "heres the plan...attack") but does he really need a plan? His suit is virtually impenetrable, nothing batman has would harm him

by Anonymous 12 years ago

As do I. I think possibly the biggest advantage Batman has is that (in the story) virtually no one knows who he is. The caped crusader is little more than a shadow in the night. I think Tony's huge weakness is that absolutely everyone on the planet knows his real identity, and the exact place where he lives, making him only protected when in his suit. Ah yes we could talk about counter attacks to counter attacks, but in my opinion Batman seems like he would be the one to plan far more ahead, acknowledging and reacting to every possible outcome before hand. In a realistic world a super villian that wanted to kill Tony could send a missile and blow his mansion up in his sleep, a villian wanting to kill batman would have to blow up all of Gotham. That's assuming he'd be in the city which he frequently isn't. That's the thing, batman wouldn't be at the fight unless he had something to beat the suit, he wouldn't just show up and give his best, every single move would be pre planned. Haha well to be honest in a comic setting I think batman would win simply because the reasons you've already told me make Iron man look stronger, and everyone likes to see an underdog win

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In certain respects, certainly. I personally find Batman to be a lot more noble.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Who cares about noble? Nobody is truly noble, anyway

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not with that attitude they're not

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I respect Batman more because I feel his campaign is ultimately more noble than that of Iron Man, especially considering the overwhelming challenges he has to face within Gotham. As an inventor I respect Iron Man more, though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My attitude has nothing to do wih the fact that there are always ulterior motives and no one is truly noble. I didnt even state an attitude in my commnt. And your level of nobility has nothing to do with how badass you are or how helpful you are to people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm aware. However, Iron Man tends to go after supervillains threatening the world as well as his city, whereas Batman fights not only manic supervillains, but also corruption in Gotham, be it in the form of the extensive criminal underworld or in the governments and police forces. He also does this without acknowledgement from the public, both because his secret identity remains undisclosed and because the citizens of Gotham are frequently untrusting of him.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I believe in people, have some faith in your brothers and sisters. Soup kitchens, meals on wheels, Habitat for humanity, etc. They dont ask for anything, granted the people may be doing a mandatory work thing enforced by a judge but others are their for helping others.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Plus IronMan and Batman already have it made, though IronMan is flashy about it and Batman is secretive. They both get nothing out of it, save an ass whooping.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I wasn't actually comparing the two. I simply made an obsetvation about human nature.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Jonesy- people do good things so they can feel better about themselves.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Knowing you've done good should make you feel good Knowing you've done bad should make you feel bad People don't dedicate their time to just feel better, they do it to make other people feel better. In turn it may make them feel better, but the original purpose wasn't to pursue the feeling. Its a side effect, Like eating taco bell, sure it fills you up and tastes good. But you didn't buy it for the ass lava that is the aftermath.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not really. People know they will feel better if they help other people. I'm not denying that the actual act is helpful, I'm just saying that they are never performed purely altruistically.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Batman is more badass. And don't forget that his claim to fame is being the world's greatest detective. (According to the video games, which I enjoyed very much)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

On the contrary I believe Sherlock Holmes to be the greatest detective in the world. Sherlock Holmes = Robert Downey Jr. = Ironman. Ha.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I am a die-hard marvel fan, but I definitely prefer Batman over Ironman. Yes, hey are both awesome, but Tony Stark is also a stuck-up, rude drunk. Not that Bruce Wayne doesn't have his faults as well. Overall, they are both great charcaters.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And you know, both fictional...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No shit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Wait... Batman's not real?! Hang on and let me cry myself to sleep for a minute.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i prefer Batman mainly because Bruce Wayne doesnt take any of the credit unlike Tony Stark

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Whats wrong with taking credit for what you've done?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Bruce Wayne>Tony Stark, Ironman>Batman. Bruce is a better person, but Tony has a more awesome job, but then that entails killing people. Ironman is a more effective superhero than Batman, and his tools are actually possible. Batman's dark (k)night is also pretty badass.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The joker would have psychologically torn iron man to pieces.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Iron man would have literally torn the joker to bits instead of dropping him off in a prison he constantly escapes from and letting him murder tons of people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Let's just forget their strengths and weaknesses, make a DC-Marvel mash up, create IronBat, and fuck everyone's shit up.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Batman equals much better and interesting character than Iron Man.

by Anonymous 12 years ago