+257 It's a good feeling when so many people upvote your comment especially when you're not writing to get votes, but just to simply state your opinion, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I can't stand people that post 5 posts every day, just fishing for a home page.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

but doesn't that just mean more good posts on amirite for us to read?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It does in some cases. I'm sure you remember a year or so ago, there used to be so much more creativity on amirite. Some people on this website just sit and stare at the open text box, trying so hard to think of something deep and meaningful. Like seriously, you're a tool if that's what you do with your time. Also, about the creativity of the posts. The most pathetic thing is how someone can literally rearrange the words on a POTD and get POTD. How fucking stupid is that. I think originality should be the goal here. Not "Post miss, post miss, post miss, post homepaged" In one day. Or, reword this post that people already liked. This is one of the most unique websites and people are messing it up.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

http://amirite.net/720865/1718358 I posted that comment expecting to be lost in all the other stories of usernames, but it ended being my most loved comment. And it's a completely true, unironic story.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

so random.. but funny.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But what sucks is when you do that but get downvoted instead, then youre all like "Its just my opinion T.T"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's funny because you're also getting a lot of upvotes on this post for simply stating your opinion. OPINIONCEPTION ....sorry, couldn't help myself

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i also hate how people comment saying "futer" and "time macne" that joke has run its course and is just not funny anymore

by Anonymous 11 years ago