+244 Sometimes getting over a crush can be as hard as getting over a breakup, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Done both, I would say the first is worse.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, because then you usually also have to deal with the fact that they never felt the same way at all.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The feeling of "I wasn't good enough"=feels bad man

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also with getting over a break up, there is normally a relatively clear reason why you're breaking up. With a crush, you have to get to the point to realize that nothing has resulted from it all (hence the "I wasn't good enough" feeling Big_Boss mentioned) and you have to come to accept that you spent 2 years pining after a person who only saw you as a minor friend or a cool person to text. And you have to come to grips that the person you romanticized into being some incredibly perfect person is seen by everyone else just another normal guy. Someone might even find them annoying. Getting over a crush requires a paradigm shift in thinking, and once you sorta got that this feeling of time wasted impends down on you like a cloudburst. I'm writing too much...Anyhoo, those are my reasonings why getting over a crush is far harder than getting over a break up.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

EXACTLY. I think I love you. You just explained exactly how it feels way better than I ever could.

by Anonymous 12 years ago