-80 So long as it is regulated and the people involved know the side effects, testosterone and steroids should be available to the blue collar work force and military in safe doses to increase productivity and infantry capabilities, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

ah yes, so they're better at killing others

by Anonymous 12 years ago

for the military, yes. That's the point. We don't send men to fight so that they can die...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm very aware of that. I just realize that by saving such "precious" american lives by improving our military, we're only taking away more from others.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My opinion is that if two sides disagree on something so strongly that they're willing to kill the other over it, and someone is //going// to die, then I say it's better that it be the person I don't agree with than the person I do. You can't always prevent death from taking, but you can sometimes change those who it takes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh thank god finally! EVERYONE! JODIE HAS THE SOLUTION TO WAR! Oh wait no? She sits in her suburban middle to upper class home oblivious to the amount of freedom hundreds of thousands of people paid their lives for so she can argue on the Internet about how there should be no lives taken at all for war. Personal pacifism is great, deciding world wide pacifism is the only acceptable option is naive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't recall ever saying anything remotely close to deciding that world wide pacifism is the //only acceptable option// but alright.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, but you made it clear that you thought it was an available one when many times throughout history is has been proven that peace lasts no longer than a few decades, global peace no longer than one decade at that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I need more information to make a valid decision.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know if those jobs prohibit them but they aren't illegal

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Jobs have drug testing and all the jobs where I live want a crystal clear drug test, even if it's legal. High amounts of nicotine in blood has gotten a buddy of mine kicked out of the job and they replaced him with a cleaner guy, even though it's obviously legal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah but steroids could be prescription, and there's no intoxicating effects except maybe rage

by Anonymous 12 years ago

More like looked down upon, as in medicinal marijuana. My opinion is that it should be an amazing breakthrough of political change that would change productivity as anew.

by Anonymous 12 years ago