+260 you've experienced moments of revelation where you change your entire perspective on something, and it feels kind of life changing, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My biggest revelation was when I became 100% for Gay rights. I also started to view the bible in a more theoretical way and not take the literal meanings behind the teachings. I 'd say I'm more of a liberal Christian now and coming from a strict conservative Christian household that's sort of big deal for me to admit. My view on more trivial things has also changed, such as my decision to not blindly hating popular celebrities/movies (like Justin Bieber and Twilight) and realizing that everyone has different tastes in music, books etc. and their taste should be respected. Overall, I'd like to say that my perspective on life has been drastically changed as I have become more open-minded. I now try hard to see things from other peoples' point of view and I try to be more empathetic. Also, I have realized that me being only 14 means that I have a lot to learn and a lot of life left to live, so I try to stop acting older and to just enjoy my teen years (which is hard as most of my peers definitely don't feel the same way about that). Sorry for the long comment, I just felt like sharing my personal revelations.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Mine was when I went from being pro-life to pro-choice. Don't get me wrong, I still hate the idea of abortion and am 100% against it, but I am pro-choice.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I would say I'm pro-choice as well even though, like you, I don't really like the thought of it. It's other people's lives so why try and control it

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think my biggest moment like that was when I realized that I should stop regretting all the stupid decisions I made in the past. Of course, there's always people telling you that you can't change the past and it's not worth trying, etc etc, but I kind of realized that, if I relived that moment with the exact same circumstances, I'd probably make that decision again, because there had to have been a reason I made it in the first place. Consequently, it made me not give as much of a shit over little things, which I think is a good thing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I had a epiphany while taking a walk that rhetoric and rhetorical questions were related. I hadn't previously realized because they're pronounced differently.

by Anonymous 12 years ago