+114 Pro-Choice people: It's not that you don't think a foetus is a human (biological), it's that you don't think it's an actual person (social) amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Or none of the above and you feel the mother has the right to make the decision.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I do agree with that, but I think that nobody has the right to impose on a person's body against their will, even a full grown adult.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I mean the murder argument is pretty strong, because if it's my will to kill you, no matter what non-lethal thing you're doing to me, it's still illegal. That's why we need an argument to say that it's not murder.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No, it isn't. The value of the human life is not in their mental faculties, or in their past experiences, but rather in the value of the human future, or the collective experiences and emotions which will make up said future, which applies equally to fetus as to child. The argument should not be on whether or not it is murder, but on whether we have to right to deal with what are essentially parasites in that method. Personally, I agree that it is the mother's right, but it's a very difficult decision

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The hell is a foetus? But it pains me to see when irresponsible women have children and go with abortion, while there are people who could raise the child properly and really want one, but are unfortunately unable to have kids

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Oh, those darned irresponsible women getting pregnant! How silly of them, getting pregnant without anyone's help. Newsflash: There are already a lot of children and teenagers in care systems globally. I'm sure one or two not being born won't make any difference at all. Maybe it will improve the chances of other children who are there getting adopted or put with a family.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Stupid attempt at shaming people who like bodily control.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

what do you mean by a "person" exactly..what is your definition?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't know if I speak for the OP, but I define a person as any civilized, sentient being. A human, an alien, or a robot could be a person; we only use it to mean human because we are the only civilized beings we have encountered. A fetus isn't sentient so it isn't a person.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There are still tribes and cultures around the world that do things we would not consider civilized. Also, I don't think rapists and murderers should be considered civilized and yet, they are humans. My class and teacher spent days trying to find a definition of "human" and "person," but we always left out a group of people accidentally. It's really hard to define it...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Basically someone with a social structure and active cinsciousness. Early homo sapiens were also only semi- people because they were more like nests than tribes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They are governments by rules, can cooperate with family/ tribe member, it have other things that are like less defined social graces.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't care if the fetus is a person a human or a unicorn. Regardless of what a fetus is, women have the right to control their life and body.

by Anonymous 11 years ago