+60 It's sad that modern films are so much worse than they were years ago. Also that a lot of great films aren't that famous or heard of, and don't get recognized by most of the public, because they don't turn up in the commercial's when you're watching any movie or TV show on network TV, or in movie theaters, but crappy movies like Piranha do. And then they always turn up and win a bunch of Oscars. We need more films that were known at there time, but were still amazingly good, like The Godfather, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Piranha was popular for exactly what it is, a gross out boner enducing 3D movie. Nobody is saying its a good film.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My point. It was a bad film.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah, but you seem to think that all movies now are like that. There are just as amazing movies being made now as there were at any point. Just because you can pick a few mediocre movies, doesn't mean they all are.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But the bad movies now are worse than the bad movies in the past decades.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

are you crazy? give me a for instance...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Like Parked. That was brilliant.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The Life Aquatic was great and it seems like not many people have seen it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In what way are modern films worse than they were many years ago? The time when a film was made does //not// dictate its worth, nor does its popularity. I've seen fifty dozen indie films that reeked shit, and perhaps the same amount old and new major motion pictures that likewise sucked ass. Crappy movies have always been made, and great movies still are being made. Not everything can be a gem.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree - nostalgia can be such a crock sometimes. It's like when people yarn on about how great the 1950s were. Oh yeah, great! Everyone terrified of the USSR, no polio vaccine, Europe still in pieces after the war. But there's hardly any crime! Oh wait, that's because no one HAS ANYTHING worth stealing anyway. I would agree that Hollywood is running out of ideas a bit, but movies now are SO awesome. Action and suspense made even cooler with 3-D, and special effects are so mind-blowing and they really make the film more interesting. And the actors of today are fantastic! So much more realistic and easy to relate to for the audience. Love it

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Plus, I enjoyed the Godfather the first time I saw it, but generally speaking the Godfather movies are slow-moving and kind of clunky. All quiet and overly dramatic. I liked Goodfellas much more, if we're talking gangster movies.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The Godfather is a slow movie, but is one of the greatest of all time. Goodfellas was great, but not better than The Godfather, in my opinion.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Besides, you can't say that movies weren't better than movies even in the 90's than what they are now.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

First of all, the Godfather movies are a bit overrated in my opion, and I really don't care how many Hollwood suck-ups vote down that comment - they're good but not THAT good. Goodfellas was better. Secondly, you say I can't say movies weren't better than movies in the 90s than what they are now...do you mean I'm just wrong for saying movies are better now? If so, then I say you are wrong for saying that. Whether or not a movie is good is an entirely SUBJECTIVE thing. I think that in today's world we have a lot more to enjoy about movies, in terms of writing, acting, music and special effects. Some people just love to yarn on about old movies as awesome because they have their heads stuck so far up their arses that they're practically licking their own tonsils

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, everyone's etitled to their own opinion.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

seems like we've got a pretentious film hipster ova here

by Anonymous 11 years ago

James Cameron's avatar was AMAZING.... theres a lot of really good movies now.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Maybe, but they're a lot worse compared to what they were in the 60's and 70's. That was a ground breaking time. There were a lot of movies like A Clockwork Orange, 2001, The Godfather, etc. Besides, I didn't like Avatar that much. I thought it was OK, at best. Not amazing.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

yeah i guess it was "groundbreaking" then, what the movies need is something "groundbreaking" again. im not sure how they could do that again tho.. only recent example i got is avatar, and the way they designed the whole planet from scratch. Making it look so real, (even if, ill admit, the basic story has been done to death) is a groundbreaking step in cinematography in itself.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

on what grounds do you make the 60s and 70s "groundbreaking" ? anyway? that's a load! just because people were taking drugs and getting STDs all the time doesn't mean it was a groundbreaking time. It was just a good time to be American.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Some people don't realize that not every single movie from back in the day was awesome.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

To amend my previous post, op, you're twelve. You weren't alive back then to see the total pieces of doodoo. You've only seen the good movies, because those are what stood the test of time.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Not necessarily. I've seen some bad movies from back then.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Not necessarily. I've seen some bad movies from back then.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's all in perspective. Times have changed. People's tastes have changed. Movie makers are trying to please a general audience and at certain times, overly dramatic or stupid movies are what people are willing to watch. However, although I haven't seen it, I heard the Artist was fantastic, which came out recently. It depends on who you are.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't know. Will Smith, Tom Hanks, and Edward Norton have made some spectacular movies and they're not that old. (Actually I don't think Will Smith will ever be old.) Tim Burton has made some amazing movies. Come to think of it I have seen SEVERAL amazing movies recently. And even if you still feel this way, don't fret - Harper Hay, the amazing screenwriting genius is on the move. Keep your eye out for my name boys, I've got some good ideas. cool

by Anonymous 11 years ago