+178 Sometimes when you're speeding/swerving in and out of traffic because you're late/in a hurry, you'll think in your head "sorry, I know I'm being a jerk, please don't hate me" and deem it as acceptable. However when others do it to you, you tend to forget that they could be in the same boat, and deem them as being a douche instead. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Oh no... I cuss at everyone in my way. When I am in a hurry it seems like everyone in town has picked that moment to take a nice, slow scenic drive.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's called the fundamental attribution error. When you or someone you know well does something, you tend to attribute it to your/their situation (I cut him off because I'm late to work), but when a stranger does something, you attribute it to their disposition (they cut me off because they're an asshole). You know that you don't always act like that, but you don't know the stranger, so you assume they always act like that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I do this way too much! And I feel bad about it every single time

by Anonymous 11 years ago