+53 Guys: Holding a girl is one of the best feelings in the world, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

*Hugs You*

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

Uhh... Uhh yeah, that's the one. Sure...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Gays: Holding a guy is one of the best feelings in the world, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why does everything have to be turned politically correct? I'm sure it's great when a gay guy holds another gay guy, but is it really necessary to put it in there like that? So what, OP didn't mention gays. OP also didn't ask girls if it is one of the best feelings in the world to hold their guy.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Actually, they never said 'their girl' Just a girl It could apparently be any girl Just a random stranger on the street And I, as a gay guy, still agree with this post So no, this indeed doesn't have to be made politically correct And if you want to make it anyway, then include lesbians as well

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You're going to bitch at me over the use of "their" instead of "a"? Cool story bro. Apparently is has to be made politically correct or else anon wouldn't have had to make a comment directed towards gays on a post that had nothing to do with sexual orientation.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No I'm simply saying that the whole thing is kinda free to interpretation Because everyone seems to assume that with 'a girl' the girlfriend/significant other/wife/etc of the guy is meant. Which is not odd, but certainly interesting I simply stated that it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with relationship(-like) situations So no, I'm not 'bitching' at you for using 'their' instead of 'a'. Bro

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Obviously you thought it was significant enough to point out, when I meant nothing by "their" as opposed to "a", which also has nothing to do with my original comment. But thank you for your interest.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Your use of 'their' doesn't even have that much to do with it, as simply just the use of 'a', which can be any girl, further backing up your statement that anons comment was not necessary as this post is not about sexual orientation, nor does it shed any light on the relation between the guy and the girl the fact that I'm slowly starting to get annoyed at this 'political correctness' might have somewhat contributed to my reason for commenting as well because it absolutely doesn't have to be constantly pointed out. It's not like gays are some different kind of species or anything, nor does it make up their whole being But that's just something I noticed in general on this site and doesn't necessarily have to do anything with you either

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yet you have said nothing about anything except my use of their, thus leading me to believe that is your issue with me even though you say that is not the issue. It seems that you agree that there is no need for political correctness or to constantly point out about being gay, so then what, may I ask, is your problem? We have already determined you didn't like my use of their.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There's no problem As I said before, I was further backing up your statement Though admittedly my argument might have made more sense in my mind and I have nothing against the use of their, I simply used it to illustrate my point that the use of 'their' implies a (romantic) relationship between the guy and the girl, which I assume was interpreted this way as well by anon, which could have led him/her to post 'Gays: Holding a guy is one of the best feelings in the world, amirite?' Though on the other hand, this does say 'a guy' which again does not necessarily mean love interest/significant other/etc I hope I made myself clear now

by Anonymous 11 years ago

OP never used the term "their" so how could that have led anon to post what they did? And nothing you said backed up my argument.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Interesting, how I have to agree with both sides of this "argument", because the reply to the original comment has some interesting lines about how it doesn't matter who I mentioned in this post. I could have said either of the reverse or gender switch or even have changed the directed sexual orientation of the post, and I don't feel that the meaning would have made a difference.

by Anonymous 11 years ago