+242 If your friend tells you a secret that puts their life in danger, it would be selfish of you not to report it, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

depends on the situation and the person's personality. sometimes attention can make things worse, sometimes they save a life. there is no blanket statement that applies to everyone.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't know if selfish is the right word, but I agree that you should report it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

When I say selfish I'm referring to those people who are scared that if they report it, they'll lose their friend's trust or something.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

ex) suicidal or into hard drugs etc. selfish? that depends

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think I would have used the word irresponsible, but I get what you meant.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Like if someone was like hey my boyfriend threatened to kill me but don't tell anyone, yes...but like "hey I'm gonna go sky diving Tommorow" ...no

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Going skydiving isn't life threatening, and I doubt it would be a secret.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sky diving Is life threatening... It's something you do that Increases the possible threat of death. Also I disagree if they told you not to tell anyone or specifically not to report it. It's not your business, and trust like that is hard earned.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Then wouldn't driving a car or going to the beach be life threatening? When I say " puts their life in danger" I mean directly putting their life in danger ex. drugs or suicide. Jumping out of a plane with a parachute would not be something I call life threatening if you follow correct procedures.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's arguable whether driving a car is safer than staying at home, you can't get in a car crash at home and you can't electrocute yourself with a faulty vaccum in the car. Sky diving on the other hand is done solely to get that adrenaline rush. That adrenaline rush is what your body does when it thinks its about to die, and rightly so; you just jumped out of a plane 10000 feet in the air! Smoking weed is something not life threatening if you follow correct procedures, it's a drug. I agree with suicide, but if you told your friend you were going to steal money from a drug dealer and don't tell anyone, while this is a stupid decision I would be deeply offended if my 'friend' blindly reported it out of my safety's sake so they weren't 'selfish'

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Okay, if not driving a car, how about riding a roller coaster? Would you say riding a roller coaster is life-threatening because it is also done for the adrenaline rush. I should've clarified that that by "doing drugs", I meant drugs that does have the ability to kill you like cocaine/heroin. Maybe we just have different morals but if my friend told me she was going to steal money from a drug dealer (assuming this drug dealer is dangerous as most drug dealers are), I would report her.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'd say riding a roller coaster increases the threat to your life yes. I honestly believe this is a gender thing, without being sexist. I have few friends but they are carefully picked and I would walk through fire for every single one of them. If my friend Nick said 'Buddy I need you at my house ASAP.' I would no questions asked drop what i was doing and drive the 38 hours cross country (Canada). If he is robbing a drug dealer then his justification is my justification, while I'd try HARD to convince him out of it, if he told m not to report it, then reporting it isn't an option. Period. Call me immoral but he has earned that trust from me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago