+197 It's weird how dreams can have evil people, creepy monsters, violence, and stressful circumstances. A dream is a creation of your own mind. So all those horrible things that happen to you in a dream, you bring upon yourself. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, actually a part of dreams is your brain preparing you for situations you may encounter in your real life, or situations similar to ones you may encounter- which is why people get a lot of dreams of being chased, because before humans started building permanent housing, there was a real threat of being attacked by wild animals. So things experienced in our dreams may not make sense today, but in some way, shape, or form your mind is trying to prepare you for things similar to those you might encounter day-to-day.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well it is sort of like thinking that remembering a certain memory (be it bad or good) randomly as something you brought on yourself. It's not really your fault in any way except for the fact that you experienced that certain thing. And I don't think that something counts as being brought upon yourself if you didn't do anything to cause it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago