+80 It's worse to slut shame than it is to actually be a slut. At least whores aren't judgmental, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

DISCLAIMER: I realize sluts can be judgmental toward other things

by Anonymous 11 years ago

it seems like it would be kinda fun to be a slut wary

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Great. The anti slut shaming mentality has infected amirite.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

How on earth is that a bad thing?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Because for example if you're in a relationship, it can hurt the partner. If you're living with your parents, who disapprove of that sort of lifestyle, that's taking advantage of their love. If you get stds, then you're spreading them. There are so many reasons.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's still none of your business. Making a stranger feel bad for consensual sex is irrational. Besides judging people for hurting others isn't what slut shaming is about, it's about making women feel guilty for their sex life, men don't get called "sluts" in the same way for doing those things you listed.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ohhh, just like it's not the police's business that someone killed someone else? Raped? Robbed? Why are fire fighters going around putting out fire? Why does it matter to them, if my stuff burns? I want to get robbed and murdered. Who gives them the right to save my life? We shouldn't shame child molesters and rapists and murderers about what they've done. It's okay, it's just who they are. Why should they be shamed for doing what they love?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Not comparable.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Kickass, I think you're being a little silly and taking things out of context. If you're in a relationship and sleeping around, that's not simply being a "slut". That's being disrespectful and unfaithful. If you catch STDs and spread them around, that's not necessarily being a slut. That is being irresponsible and stupid. I believe you are mistaking correlation with causation. One can sleep with as many people as they want, the ramifications are only based on the individuals level of maturity and responsibility. A person can sleep with three people and ruin their life, while another can sleep with 15 people and not have a single problem. I don't think there should be a problem with a woman exploring her sexuality, however, I think that is entirely different from a young woman engaging in a lot of risky behaviors. This should be discouraged, though; not shamed. The police and firefighters have nothing to do with this, because they volunteered to help people and took an oath to protect them. Child molesters, rapists, and murderers are in a whole separate category that I'd like to debate later.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Slut shamers are also volunteering... to help people. I'm sure they have an oath they take also. Reducing the number of sexual partners you have has multiple benefits and if teaching sluts that single truth is wrong, then maybe police officers are also wrong. I mean in the long run, we ARE the ones who decided what's good and what's bad. We decided that murder is bad and being a slut is bad. How come nobody questions that? Why is murder bad? The other day a guy cut me off in traffic, nearly caused an accident. If I killed that guy, I would reduce the chances of accidents happening. However, I'm not allowed to kill that guy. The punishment for murder is jail. The result of being a slut is shame... but don't let me stop you... how dare I suggest anyone feel responsible for their actions. We're all victims of the system here. We can't control ourselves, can we?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Police officers do a LOT of wrong, but again, another debate for a different day. Did. . . Did something happen to you? You're fighting like a cornered animal about something pretty ridiculous. We're also the ones that decided that everything was made up of earth, fire, water, and air. That changed, didn't it? Those particular values are thousands of years old, perhaps it's time for a revision? Murder is bad because it can create chaos. This society would be pretty unstable if you were allowed to kill someone over something so petty. Why must the result of being a slut be shame? Like you said, we instill these values. There's no intrinsic wrong to the act of having multiple sex partners. In fact, it's biologically and evolutionarily wrong NOT to have multiple sex partners. People should feel responsible for their actions! One can certainly sleep with more than one person responsibly. They do make contraception, you know. Describe to me exactly why someone who has sex with multiple partners, not in a committed relationship and safely, should feel ashamed.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's because I care :') http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/teens/a/blhbns040205.htm http://www.everydayhealth.com/longevity/can-promiscuity-threaten-longevity.aspx http://www.aidstar-one.com/focus_areas/prevention/pkb/emerging_areas/multiple_and_concurrent_sexual_partnerships http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19374216/ns/health-sexual_health/t/new-survey-tells-how-much-sex-were-having/#.UCm-z6FlTIc http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Disadvantages-of-Having-Multiple-Sex-Partners&id=4958132 https://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/3027198.html As crazy as I do seem, I actually took a psychology course and my professor a fairly liberal and European male (not an American religious conservative) did teach about this topic. Maybe he doesn't know what he's talking about even with a PhD and written several books and textbooks used all over the states :')

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Like I said before, I think you are confusing correlation with causation. The risks described in each of these articles stems from irresponsibility. Multiple sexual partners is a compounded risk, not a risk in and of itself. Most of the articles you link mention drugs and alcohol quite often, and these are the causes of risk. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. All irresponsible people are likely to have multiple sexual partners, but not all people who have multiple sexual partners are irresponsible. I've mentioned it before, and I will continue to mention it: Responsibility is what should be criticized and looked at, not promiscuity. Firearm collecting can be a risky event, however, I am not at risk. I understand what I am doing and take every safety precaution I can. You do seem crazy, because you're persecuting the wrong aspect of humanity. A healthy, responsible adult should be able to shamelessly sleep with as many people as they want. Taking a course does not make you an expert. In fact, taking a course can mean very little depending on your individual level of skill and competency. Based on what I'm seeing, it didn't do much. Good night, sir.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes, but one you are using an exception as the rule. There are more idiots out there than there are not idiots. Just like if you made murder legal, more people would kill for no reason, than for a good reason.... And have you thought maybe there's a reason why it talks about drugs and alcohol? Could it be there's a causal relationship there? Quite possibly? It's like saying, "All these doctors are saying I have AIDS, but Idk why?" Maybe they're trying to tell you something?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Look, I'm going to leave it at this: There are more idiots than non-idiots. However, people should not have shame in their respective lifestyle (within reason). People should have shame for being idiots.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Correlation without causation pretty much//is// your argument. All smokers die, but not all people die because of smoking. "Sluts" just have casual sex often. They don't have some agenda to spread around STDs, or to become a drug addict, or to alienate everyone around them. Those would be called idiots. Normal people like sex and a lot of them have it outside relationships. There is nothing wrong with having non-committal sex. There //is// fault in spreading STDs or breaking relationships, but you attribute that to the irresponsible idiots, not the people who have casual sex.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You keep saying correlation without causation, but... I'm linking you studies... done by people who know a tad bit more than you? Psychologists? Who dedicate their life to this topic? Do you really think you know more than them? Seriously, if you say you do, then I'll drop this. Because I don't know as much as them and I'm learning from them, so if you know even more than them, then I'm obviously learning from the wrong people.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The studies you link all show a correlation between multiple sex partners and increased risk. However, they don't mention that without also mentioning drugs, alcohol, and misuse/absence of contraception. I'm going to type out a paragraph from a book I've been reading that I think applies here. Take from it what you will: "But in practically all experimental work, the scientist must interpret the observations he makes in terms of the information he seeks. The information is thus obtained indirectly, and there is always the possibility of faulty interpretation. There is the well-known example of the man who sought to discover the intoxicating ingredient of liquor. He drank whiskey with water and became intoxicated. He drank rum and water and became intoxicated. He drank gin and water and became intoxicated. Becoming sober once more, he studied his observations carefully and noted that all three drinks had similar effects. It was obvious to him what must be the intoxicating ingredient. What was common to all three was water." I'm not saying I'm smarter or more knowledgeable than they, however, I'm not arguing with them. I'm arguing with you and your interpretation of their data.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Oh you're just saying you're smarter than me? smirk Which I'm just regurgitating what they clearly state.... Maybe, multiple sex partners also has a link with drinking, drug abuse, and all the other stuff? There's a crazy idea.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

**Link**, yes. **Causation**, no. There are too many factors to consider (education, poverty, etc.) to go ahead and claim having noncommittal sex causes you to also do drugs, drink, or spread STDs.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Perhaps. It's certainly not out of the question. I'm not saying that, though. You're interpreting their data in your own way. Absolutely there is a link. I just think you're looking at the link in an odd way. Drinking and drugs affect judgement and risk-assessment, which can lead to irresponsible promiscuity. Having multiple sexual partners does not directly mean irresponsibility, nor does it inhibit judgement and risk-assessment. This leads me back to the statement "All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares". To put it another way: You can burn propane to produce carbon dioxide and water, but you cannot burn water and carbon dioxide to produce propane. Drugs and alcohol lead to sex, but sex does not always lead to drugs and alcohol.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What you're saying is so irrelevant ;____; Perhaps not. Also, you're saying that drinking causes promiscuity, why not vice versa? Who is to say it's not vice versa? You're looking at this data and you're saying, "Oh, it's this way. You're wrong." However, there's as good a chance that YOU are wrong. And considering I took a class and my professor said you are indeed wrong, you are wrong. Simple as that.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There is absolutely nothing about the nature of having sex that makes someone more inclined to do risky things. Sex leads to one thing: sex. People are still clear of mind and provided they are not idiotic, will make smart choices. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs severely impairs a person's judgement. In that state of mind, making decisions is not so easy. That is one reason drinking causes promiscuity and not vice versa. Also, if someone is doing illegal drugs, chances are they are already apathetic to risky behavior. They don't care about breaking the law, so they probably don't care about much else. That is another reason. Drugs are to make someone feel carefree, and to have not have to care about things that typically have consequences, like sex. Sex is for physical pleasure that will not come from drugs.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Spareseconds totally gets this shit. I think you're just extremely stubborn, Kick. Honestly, you're not showing me any single bit of proof that I'm NOT smarter than you are. Drinking begets promiscuity because alcohol has an effect on the brain. It inhibits the ability to use logic and reason and makes be very suggestible. Aside from that, alcohol is metabolized at the rate of about a cup every half an hour. This means it stays in your system for quite a while. Sex results in the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, oxytocin, and prolactin. Not only do they not affect reasoning skills, they are metabolized and affected by re-uptake within minutes. I took a psychology class in college, too, buddy. We discussed things such as drugs and why people do things. I'm every bit as qualified to argue this as you are, on paper, anyway. In practice, it seems my capacity for logic and reasoning is years ahead of yours. Your professor did not specifically say I am wrong, he is not here nor is he personally involved in this discussion. You interpreted what he said in a way that contradicts what I am saying. Like I said, I am arguing with your interpretation. You are wrong.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Can OP or someone who YYA'd please give a clear definition of "slut"? It's such a derogatory term that I'm not sure how it can be used positively. I don't think I can vote on this post until I have the right idea

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Someone who has sex with lots of people. Hopefully responsibly and doesn't cheat/is in an open relationship.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Okay. Well I see no problem with that as long as they aren't cheating on their partner and are using protection. I just think that someone's sex life is their own business, and as long as they're not hurting someone else, it's fine

by Anonymous 11 years ago