It seems like Americans are brainwashed to hate China, amirite?
by Anonymous11 years ago
Why do you say that?
by Anonymous12 years ago
Many Americans seem to hate the Chinese, and think that China is some hell hole where everyone is miserable. Sure, they have their problems but it's like we always feel the need to hate them. Also, every time they accomplish an achievement, many Americans tend to down play it. Ex. It seems like every time the China wins an Olympic medal, the NBC commentator downplays it like nothing happened.
by Anonymous12 years ago
They just seem to think everyone is either starving, working at foxconn. The hate comes from people "stealing jobs" which isn't even their fault; they need jobs too. If you're going to hate, go hate the shitty government, not the country. It's full of people just like us who just want to survive. Maybe they're hated because they're pretty "brainwashed" too, just like us. There's also a huge stigma against them, which makes people say things like they want China destroyed. They're just trying to do what we're trying to do, get to the top and stay there. China has a history of being the greatest country in the world and there are some feelings of wanting to be back. The government is obviously corrupted as hell and should be removed, but you have to see the other side of the story. The communists won against the Japanese in WWII, saving tons of people, and therefore they're praised. They're an entire country of humans just like us, under a government, however messed up it is, that is currently helping them by surging the economy and bringing them back up. There are millions of reasons to hate the government, but the people are just people.
by Anonymous11 years ago
China isn't communist...
by Anonymous11 years ago
It's officially communist, but yeah they're not completely communist, because that wouldn't work so well.
by Anonymous11 years ago
I think you meant: "It seems like Americans are brainwashed."
by Anonymous12 years ago
Yeah, cause the hate has nothing to do with China's crippling effect on the American economy or because of the many health issues that come from companies who hide the dangerous parts of their product while exporting. It's also not very hard to notice China's HORRENDOUS legal system.
by Anonymous11 years ago
Not anywhere near to the extent that the Chinese are brainwashed to hate the Japanese.
by Anonymous11 years ago
I think a lot of the reason people here don't like them is because they steal our ideas and designs all the time. They hack into our systems and steal things and then use as their own ideas. They sell all kinds of counterfeit American products there, they even have an apple store that's completely counterfeit.
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 11 years ago
by Anonymous 11 years ago
by Anonymous 11 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 11 years ago
by Anonymous 11 years ago
by Anonymous 11 years ago
by Anonymous 11 years ago