+173 It's kind of funny how a large portion of girls on Facebook post quotes by Marilyn Monroe and treat her like some sort of saint when she's famous for her numerous affairs, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's about making a distinction between what they do in their personal and professional lives. Viewing her as an icon is perfectly understandable. Winston Churchill was a drunk, no doubt a massive chauvenist, probably a bit racist too, but he's revered by one and all as one of the greatest British heroes of all time. The rules aren't so concrete

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah, and Gandhi was a misogynist and a racist. But people still act like he's the wisest thing ever, and I still kind of admire some of his stances.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Actually, Marilyn was a wonderful actress. She also wasn't nearly as dumb as people made her out to be, she just played up the dumb blonde stereotype to get more media attention. Also, Marilyn isn't the first to have an affair. Trust me - EVERYONE in power, male or female, had an affair. JFK positively had an affair (or several) before he met MM. Why is she being so demonized for it? It's not her only achievement in life.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sigh, so you've been on reddit lately, huh?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Actually, I'm not a redditor. Was something like this on there?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Everything glamorizes her so for people who don't actually look into her backstory and all that, they wouldn't really know

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Probably because despite her affairs, she was extremely intelligent and empowering compared to other female actresses of her time. And nobody is perfect. Name any celebrity and there's probably at least one thing they've done that you can look down upon.

by Anonymous 11 years ago