+377 Wikipedia might not always be totally reliable, but it's a great place to start your research and get a feel for the topic, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Most Wikipedia articles are reliable. For instance, on George Washington's page, it has a lock on the top right hand corner. This lock means the page is protected from pranksters and can only be updated by certified resources.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wikipedia has saved my ass sooo many times.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I typically use wikipedia to get dates for events/lives of people like say, Abraham Linclon, definitions, and summeries of stories that I'm having difficulty following (I did this a lot when I had just started reading shakespeare, or if I'm reading a book quickly and I want to keep track of the names, and when I'm listening to a musical I've never seen)

by Anonymous 11 years ago