+185 Batman is a superhero, despite the lack of super powers, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I actually view him more as an anti hero than a super hero. His characteristics are that of an archetypal anti hero and NOT a superhero.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think he's my favorite for that reason

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yee, it makes him a little deeper, more mysterious, and a little less predictable. Also, it's fun to watch the villain get fucked with for a change.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Rorschach or however you spell it is my favorite for that reason

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm actually not a big fan of Watchmen, similar with Wolverine, because they go more into the villain role, because they have no problem with killing and I don't know how someone who has no problem with killing can be considered a, "hero."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i actually just watched watchmen the other night so i'm kind of just really into right now and i found the character really interesting. also just wondering aren't you pro death penalty?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm actually not hehe You might have seen my ferocious debate on potd pro death penalty, but I don't agree with it at all and I don't think we should be fighting fire with fire (shrug).

by Anonymous 11 years ago

He is a hero. A great hero, an awesome hero, and possibly the greatest hero, but he is not a superhero. He is better than most superheroes, but he is not one. You need superpowers to be a superhero, hence the name. Metals like gold, silver, platinum and rhodium are extremely valuable. diamond is more valuable than any of them, yet it is not a metal.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So does that mean Iron Man and the Green Lanterns aren't superheroes either?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Actually the first use of the term "superhero" was in a 1930's comic (I forget the name) in which the subject had no super powers

by Anonymous 11 years ago

iron man is not. the green lantern has super powers

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No he doesn't, he just has a fancy alien ring. His constructs are just as artificial as Stark's unibeams and Batman's gadgets.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, not only all the super powers, BUT they also need superhuman characteristics and WILL and Batman has the strongest will of any superhero. If you've read the comics, you'll see he once got the green lantern ring and that he become a better Green Lantern than Hal Jordan or Jon Stewart. Not that I'm saying Batman is a superhero, I already commented what I think Batman is, BUT I can see how he might be seen as a superhero

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No. Ironman, my favourite hero, is not technically a superhero. Green Lantern is, because he displayed charateristics that normal humans did not.Ironman was just rich, smart, and nice enough to save the world. THe term superhero has evolved to mean a hero with superpowers, and not just a super good hero.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Normal humans aren't rich, smart, and nice enough to save the world. There are more non-superheroes who possess willpower than those who possess Tony Stark's resources.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But that's just it, Batman is a better Green Lantern than Green Lantern... also, like I stated above Batman fits the role of an ANTI hero, than a super hero. If you read the comics, you'll realize that he has other characteristics that separates him from other, "heroes."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah I was agreeing with you. That was meant for one of the guys above. Do you see this confusion, Anthony?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

http://ctrlv.in/109641 via http://bit.ly/nothing_mere_about_that_mortal

by Anonymous 11 years ago

He's a crime fighter, not a superhero. Superheroes have powers that are part of their genetics, or they are born with. Iron Man and Batman have money, and a reason to fight for justice. Green Lantern is from another planet, and he didn't make his ring, unlike Iron Man who made his chest thing. Batman also made all of his gadgets...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Green Lantern is a human, I misspelled it up there, but both Hal Jordan and the other green lanterns are humans. The lantern comes from outer space. The only thing that separated Hal from other people was his will, which is what the Green Lantern is powered by.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My mom told me about how when my brother was in pre-school he was going to go as Batman for Haloween, along with several other boys in the class. There was some function centered around Haloween at the school. Well, at the last minute for some reason they decided that they weren't going to allow super hero costumes This was obviously going to be a problem, you can't change costumes last minute (Not easily anyway), and imagine a preschooler having to go to a costume party in normal clothes. Yuck. So a mother pointed out that Batman does have super powers, and he was allowed.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Batman's superpower is being insane. Seriously. That's why the rogues gallery is all insane people, too. Even if he wasn't rich he would have become that way if that's what it took to become the batman, because he's completely obsessed with fighting crime. He's the ultimate determinator.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

he's a Detective with an array of useful utensils and a large set of combat skills but he is not super

by Anonymous 9 years ago