+189 It makes no sense that I can't sign up for next semesters classes because my high school diploma doesn't meet the college's requirements when I've already been attending the college for 4 semesters and am on the President's Honors List. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why would it not meet the requirements?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My mother works at the local college outpost. She comes home with horror stories like this all the time. The most common one involves the campus four hours away, which outsources its curriculum to us, (hence the "outpost") dropping students from their classes because they didn't apply for a parking permit to the campus that they won't be visiting because they're taking the class with us. I went through some similar shit with my high school a few years ago. I had a 102 in English but had completely failed Biology, which I'm choosing to blame on the nine dissections we did during the year and not on my own incompetence. While enrolling in my next classes I was told that I wasn't allowed to take Honor's English because the F in Biology meant that my GPA was too low. I might've just accepted it and moved on, but one of my friends got a C in English and they let her into the Honors class because her GPA was still higher than mine. I tried appealing to the principal, but he spent the entire meeting telling me that I couldn't have special treatment just because I have a service dog, which I'd never even brought up. In the end I just took an equivalent class at my mother's place.

by Anonymous 11 years ago