+214 When you travel to other countries basic foods taste different. For example, the ketchup or milk in said country. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Do NOT use the ketchup in Mexico.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

... Why not? I like Mexican ketchup.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I had some from their food stands and I was all water down and it tastes disgusting to me. (I don't know about the big chain restaurants there, I'm assuming it's the regular ketchup.)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well all the places I've had it in Mexico (which isn't many since I don't put ketchup on Mexican food) but they all seemed to have the same kind. It's cause the tomatoes in Mexico aren't all modified like American ones. So to me it tastes more natural. And hey, don't judge a country's cuisine by a food cart.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My family lives in Mexico, we stay down there every summer and the ketchup always is watered down or bitter to me. But that's just in my experience.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I threw up from milk in Canada. They keep it in bags there O.O

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They pasteurize milk differently (or not at all) in different places.

by Anonymous 11 years ago