Nicki Minaj really doesnt have any talent and her songs sound like shit, amirite?
by Anonymous12 years ago
Actually when she actually sings i think she sounds pretty good. The problem is she doesn't do it very often
by Anonymous12 years ago
Uhh did you really just tsk me? That's kind of rude as heck. So sorry i don't know as much about her as you do. I guess i must have my priorities all wrong.
by Anonymous12 years ago
tsk tsk, motherfucker.
by Anonymous12 years ago
She may not have much talent but her songs are catchy as hell.
by Anonymous12 years ago
She writes a lot of her own music. Maybe her voice isn't amazing, but her lyrics are actually impressive and include lots of higher thinking material. Of course, I'm not saying that what she raps about is good things, but there is no argument that it takes talent to write most of that. Inb4 some smart ass replies saying that you a stupid hoe isn't great lyrics. She didn't even write that, she just writes her rap parts. Listen to the last verse of Monster, that is talent.
by Anonymous12 years ago
you a stupid hoe
by Anonymous12 years ago
I don't think she's talentless... I don't like when she uses that stupid voice in her rapping parts. Though, I've had people argue with me that it's what makes her unique and different from others. Idk I guess it just depends on your taste!
by Anonymous12 years ago
I don't know why she gets so much hate. Even if you think her songs suck, she's such a genuinely good person.
by Anonymous12 years ago
True, she actually really cares about her fans. I think she is a talented rapper (when she actually tries) but I think she should stop singing. I wouldn't call her talentless and I think some of her songs are decent. She definitely doesn't deserve all the hate she gets, she writes songs that appeal to her fans... She can't please everyone.
by Anonymous12 years ago
And a lot of people don't realize how much money she gives to cancer and AIDs foundations. Plus, she's always telling her fans to stay in school, go to college, and be ambitious. Most people just hear songs like Stupid Hoe (which we can all agree sucked) and assume she's worthless. A lot of her songs are, in my opinion, really good.
by Anonymous12 years ago
Her talent is making money.
by Anonymous12 years ago
I mean, I don't know about that. Some of the faces and sounds she makes requires a good amount of talent.
by Anonymous12 years ago
I usually don't agree when someone starts talking about a famous artist and says, "____ doesn't have //any// talent." You may not like them, but that does not mean they are talentless. It's easy to say that when you don't delve deeply enough into the person's career. It's like when people hate famous pop stars, not knowing that the person has a nice voice when heard acapella, writes their own music, can play an instrument, etc.
by Anonymous12 years ago
by Anonymous12 years ago
Without musical accompaniment or auto tune. Just pure vocals.
Well she went to a performing arts school so she knows a lot of what's she's doing. And her lyrics are pretty good, writing good lyrics isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world. And she doesn't sing often, but she has a good voice as well. I think people just don't like her because she's kinda weird and so is her sound. And some people find her obnoxious. But personally, her weirdness doesn't bother me. Usually when people mention how annoying Nicki is, their referring to her most popular songs like Stupid Hoe. But if you listen to some of the other songs on her albums you might find something you find less annoying.
by Anonymous12 years ago
I really like how she sings in parts of "Super Bass" and "Turn Me On" but otherwise she sounds like a squawking bird when she's rapping
by Anonymous12 years ago
How many people have said this already? Probably thousands. I guess you dont have any talent when it comes to making up unique posts OP. QQ
by Anonymous12 years ago
As far as I'm concerned, if your music is vastly popular and/or catchy, you must be doing something right. Whether I like it or not, there is some talent there.
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago