+190 Being against racial mixing is fundamentally stupid, biologically speaking. Biodiversity is important, arguably //essential//, to any given species' survival whether they be plant or animal. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Those against racial mixing, however, are more often than not, religious. And more often than not, religious people are anti-evolution or don't believe in some (provne) nature things (there are exceptions don't get me wrong). So when you try to tell them this, they shake their head, raise their finger to the stars above and say, "JESUS NEVER SAID THAT WHAT ARE YOU AN ATHEIST??? HEATHEN"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

True, and your delivery was hilarious :)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I don't think most people against interracial relationships do it because of their religion (I'm sure there are people that do though since some bible passages could probably be interpreted that way). I think they're more likely to just be racist.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree with your main point. However, wouldn't interracial breeding lead to less biodiveristy? I mean after awhile, wouldn't there just be one big, homogenized race?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No. it's not a slippery slope. There will always be those who stay with their own racial group. There will always be different phenotypes. Also, let me give you an example. A black and white couple. They have two kids. One may look more "black", one more "white". They could grow up and choose partners who more resemble them. Thus, racial mixing, biodiversity, and preservation of phenotypes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Doesn't matter. The white trees are better than the brown trees.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Excuse me? Would you mind expanding on that thought?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm just saying. Vanilla shouldn't mix with chocolate. Zebras have stripes for a reason. Hell. Even dominos are segregated.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Okay, let's stop using metaphors and start talking about actual human beings. I would actually like to know why you think different ethnic groups should not mix even though there is a better chance of you being a troll. I don't agree with segregation and I think if two people want to get together, let them.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think each race is diverse enough for it not to be a problem. I am not against inter-racial marriage, but I don't think it is essential biologically.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You have a bit of a point. There is more variance among members of a group than between members of different groups.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I guess only breeding dogs benefit from purity. I love all humans for the record

by Anonymous 5 years ago

"Purity" is garbage, especially regarding genetics. Please look into what happens when human are inbred, or when dogs are. Genetic diversity is of utmost importance.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

being inbred is different then marrying someone your own race, don't be rediculous

by Anonymous 5 years ago

until I see liberals telling minorities to marry whites, I will continue to label them hypocrites. people can marry whom they want, if your not attracted to someone not your race, THAT IS FINE! whether your white, hyspanic, asian or black, only liberals think only white people should have to marry outside their own race or else be labeled racist. so very sad and hypocritical

by Anonymous 5 years ago