+65 Top 6 excuses involving dogs: 1) The dog broke it. Honestly. I saw him do it. 2) The dog ate it (Homework/Last slice of cake/TV remote). 3) I know I'm under eighteen, but my dog slipped off its leash and I'm sure I saw him run in here. 4) Of course I didn't push/lick/bite you, that was my dog! 5) Of course I'm not spying on you. I ran up this tree to escape from a vicious dog, from whom I took these binoculars. 6) That puddle on the floor has nothing to do with me!, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You forgot about blaming farts on dogs, one I feel should be at the top of your list

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This post is on the wrong website.

by Anonymous 11 years ago