+156 Whenever a group of people are discriminated against, the world or country it took place in claims it will never happen again. The holocaust, putting Japanese people in concentration camps, african slavery, and  the issues with gay rights are some vague examples. It seems like we have to go through each individual minority one by one to make any progress, and that's depressing. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I had to read part of Total Domination by Hannah Arendt for school, and one of the points she made is that a crime, like the Holocaust, when committed on a large scale, is less believable and therefore easier to get away with. She also points out that a large scale crime is harder to deal with legally

by Anonymous 11 years ago

At least we're making progress though!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And will being a realist change anything? I'm optimistic, but I still realize that there is room for improvement do my best to change things for the better.

by Anonymous 11 years ago