+263 People who feel the need to point out every flaw and plot hole in children's movies really need to lighten up. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Just because it's a children's movie doesn't make it okay to be a piece of shit. This is why Pixar and Disney are so popular, you know. They don't contain as many flaws as an average kid's movie, and they keep it colorful yet deep (for the most part...Disney kinda varies), and so they gain a parental fanbase, too. A children's movie shouldn't be just for children unless you're talking about a preschool movie that's meant to educate children. Parents watch a lot of what kid's watch and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be a parent sitting there staring at the screen for an hour bored out of my fucking mind.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah I get that, like Shrek for example, there are so many adult jokes in there to make it more enjoyable for the parents. But, sitting there like "That would NEVER happen" or "in real life they would've missed that jump!" , yeah well ogres dont exist and donkeys dont talk..just shut the fuck up and enjoy the movie.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Some things don't make sense in-universe, either. In this universe, of course there's no ogres or talking donkeys. But in their universe, there are. And we can accept that it's not part of our world and enjoy. But Shrek, for example, follows the social norms of the real world. And we can accept minor changes such as a social norm being spitting on people as a compliment, so long as it's referenced (consistently) as one in the movie. But let's say Shrek starts reading Shakespeare to Fiona to be romantic. "That wouldn't happen!" somebody would say, and it //shouldn't// happen, because Shrek's character is a hardass tsundere (for a lack of better term). He would never be into Shakespeare, much less read it seriously to her without being annoyed by it. You can't say, "Ogres aren't realistic, either!" because it's not that about whether or not something exists, it's about the character and its personality. In-universe, an ogre and a talking donkey and a transforming princess is totally possible. That was implied. But the hardass tsundere ogre reading Shakespeare? Very unlikely, because it goes against everything we know about him.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm not even talking about personality changes here like there would be if Shrek read Shakespeare. I'm talking about when they manage to dodge death on so many occasions like "That dragon totally would've killed them by now" when people point out THOSE flaws in kids films. I think you went a little to in-depth there but nice analytic skills.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Those aren't really flaws, then. Those are just nitpicky people who don't understand the laws of the new universe.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Which is why I said they need to lighten up.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

But you said flaws and plot holes, and that's what I'm aiming at. What you gave an example of isn't a flaw, it's just them trying to push our universe's reality into theirs where it's unwelcome.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm just going to say "okay" in order to stop this over analytical discussion. I could not have been THAT wrong if the post got 257 YYAs but feel free to disagree.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This is a site about opinions. Sorry for expressing my own. If you meant what you told me, then you worded your post wrong. Also, just because a majority of people believe it, doesn't mean it's right. And that's poor thinking.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

haha really? you're still going with this? I even said "feel free to disagree" because yes, that IS what this site is about. I shall take my "poor thinking" elsewhere and end this conversation for the SECOND time. Do you want me to say you won? Then fine, you won.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm clarifying. I don't mind going on with this. I don't see the problem.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

see: Alex Day's cousin Danny giving commentary on the Lion King.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm that guy...I just do it for fun, not because I'm butthurt or anything

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Your username is Winnie The Pooh, I could point out a billion plot flaws in Winnie the Pooh haha.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Like talking stuffed animals?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

indeed :P

by Anonymous 11 years ago