+139 When it comes to Vietnam, America is like that annoying friend you had when you were young who would quit just before he lost a game, just so he can say he always "wins". *whiny kid voice* "Nuuuuhh uuhhh I didn't lose, Im not playing anymoooore!!!", amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Haha yeah U.S. should have stayed in a losing war and let more soldiers die, because it's only honorable,right

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My point was that America likes to say that they've never lost a war, and often argues that they didn't technically "lose" in Vietnam. I'm talking about ADMITTING the fact that we lost, I'm not saying that we should have stayed in Vietnam. Hope that clears it up for you.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You know, when we left Vietnam, the north and south had signed a peace treaty. Then a little bit after we were gone, the north broke the treaty and reinvaded the south.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And France was that annoying cousin who just did terribly at another game, so they suggest a new game they think they can win. Turns out they suck at that game too and needed someone else to step in.

by Anonymous 11 years ago