-152 If Earth was just a centimeter closer to the sun, we would burn. If it were a centimeter further, we would freeze. Earth is the only place in the universe that has water on it. It's fascinating how slim the chances of us being alive are, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That thing you said with the centimeter is myth designed to play with naive heartstrings. In case you didn't know, the Earth's orbit is elliptical, meaning we're not always at the same distance away from the sun. Our distance varies very often, and it's MUCH larger than a mere 1 centimeter.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you. Now I don't have to type it. Can I point out that 1cm would mean if OP stood his/her toes they would die.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It amazes me how many people believe this kind of shit. All it takes is an ounce of common sense to realize "hey, this sounds completely made up and illogical".

by Anonymous 12 years ago

First, there is water in space: http://www.space.com/12400-universe-biggest-oldest-cloud-water.html Second there is an entire planet outside our solar system covered in water: http://m.voanews.com/152342.html

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There are so many things wrong with this post I can't even

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i looked at the publication date to see if this was writen 100 year ago. but no... "1 month" lol. OMG, they found water on Mars for some time ago.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1.there's an enormous body of water in space that's enough to give each person on earth the equivalent of Earth's water 78 times over or something like that 2. I think we would live a centimeter farther or closer to the sun...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

okay this is going to turn into a theological debate...i can feel it. i believe that God created the universe perfectly and it is nearly impossible that all this happened on its own. however, "one centimeter" is an exaggeration, because all the planets shift slightly in their orbits.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

While I don't believe any god(s) created the universe, thank you for using your brain! Unlike OP. d

by Anonymous 12 years ago

FYI, God doesn't exist

by Anonymous 12 years ago

troll If not, ono

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This wasn't a theological debate until you made it one...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You know that the reason for a lot of water on earth is because of meteorites right? That means that the same thing probably happened else where in the universe you also know that they found water on mars right discover this like 1 month ago or something

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago