+93 "Terrorism has no religion or race", amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Though terrorism itself has no race, it is usually caused by racial disputes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

it is true that terrorism has no religion or race, but certain religion(s) and races(s) are much more likely to have terrorists as compared to others. No religion asks its followers to become terrorists but certain RELIGIOUS LEADERS spread hatred in the minds of people and make them terrorists. For instance, some muslim leaders try to make muslims terrorists by urging them for "JEHAD". They say muslims are in trouble everywhere and need to be helped. By saying this, these antisocial elements make youth astray and send them to other countries as terrorists. These terrorists do not spare even their own country. For example, terrorists in Pakistan. They claim to be working for the benefit of Pakistanis but in reality, they're murdering innocent Pakistanis.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I want to make sure to say that there are terrorists from many groups For example, Buddhists in Burma are committing mass murders here is a Desi news article on the topic http://rupeenews.com/about/muhammad-in-the-christian-context-concentrating-on-the-commonalities-between-the-abrahamic-faiths-the-arian-influences-on-islam-the-muslim-influences-on-martin-luther-locke-and-jefferson/the-urban-myth-there-are-no-buddhist-terroristsall-religions-have-terrorists/ please do take the time to carefully read this I am also going to get Ken to come on here and talk to you

by Anonymous 11 years ago

good byeeeeee, man i am a student and not a terrorist, nor do i plan to ever become a terrorist but there is one thing i want to ask," who are you ? what do yu do? and why are you so disturbed about terrorism?"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I never said that you were a terrorist I was merely making a claim and you're not disturbed by terrorism? do you not think it is dangerous and a problem for society?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

what !. I just want to explain to you that, the actual muslims are not the ones behind this terror acts. These are done by(extremist) who wants their taught laws about islam to be followed in their country. they also terrorize country who becomes a threat to their ideas. Example: how taliban imposed these rules 1) women should be not educated, 2) no western music allowed 3) no formal education other than islamic studies in afganistan especially in helmand & Badakhshan provinces. why do you have to be so rude ! hey, what your say about maoist ! are they muslims, how many innocent people were killed, how many soldier died cos of them ! what's your say about cpi extremist in south india.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

He said that 90% of rape cases in India are false I said that is no way possible that percentage is ridiculously high he also said that people in India blame men for pretty much everything and say women are innocent

by Anonymous 11 years ago

what i said is true. and yes that figure is ridiculously high but it's true. what is ridiculous need not be wrong. and people in india DO consider women innocent. you CANNOT experience this sitting in front of your tv or laptop in USA. you can't feel this if you visit india for a few days as a tourist. you have to LIVE here. You need to mingle with the common folk here, and observe how they feel about various things or what are there moral standards. You think you can know everything about indian society simply by browsing a few websites or watching a few tv shows !!!! That's not possible. Indian culture is very old and very complex because many types of people, following different traditions and having a different view of things live here. everything is possible in india (including ridiculously high figures of FALSE cases) if you don't agree, i am not going to spend time trying to convince you. after all, you DO have a right to hold different views. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-04-26/nagpur/38842542_1_father-bombay-high-court-medical-evidence read this article.. it will convince you of what is happening nowadays in india

by Anonymous 11 years ago

that's one case doesn't mean it happens 90% of the time that percentage is false there is no article that would make such a ridiculous claims you only put up one case on this link you'll find FORTY TWO (42) videos about GANG RAPE in DELHI http://www.ndtv.com/topic/gang-rape-in-delhi you keep saying I don't know but I am a Desi I lived in the Desi world I know what the culture is like

by Anonymous 11 years ago

there are plenty of cases like that.. i showed you just one because currently i don't have time to give to more examples also, for how many years have you lived in India? how many years have passed since you left india??? things have changed immensely in the past 2-3 years alone. so, if you used to live here 9- 10 yrs ago, you have no idea what is happening here now.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

there is more than one case of false rape I know that but no way it is as high as 90%

by Anonymous 11 years ago

it is ........ if you can't accept this fact, it means you're a narrow minded person (as far as the issue of rape is concerned)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

no you're narrow-minded you can't provide me one single study that shows that the percentage is 90% you can't just make such a HUGE claim and expect everyone to believe it because you said so read this article from someone WHO LIVES IN INDIA http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/02/opinion/the-unspeakable-truth-about-rape-in-india.html?_r=0 there are many rapes that are unreported many victims who are turned away by the police many victims shamed by their family there are many poor places in India that do not get proper police patrol and many take advantage of this

by Anonymous 11 years ago

it is very difficult to believe that the % of false can be 90. but if you meet modern indian girls, you will agree that nothing is impossible plus, studies are never reliable in india. anyone can say anything in a STUDY without having the risk of being questioned. I come across several types of weird studies in newspapers everyday and the official statement of police officers is more reliable than any STUDY. IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THE POLICE OFFICERS' STATEMENT, there's nothing that can truly convince you...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

yeah the same police officers who sometimes do not report cases of rape the same officers who turn victims away or laugh at them the police officer is not more reliable than the studier just because you say so we're not talking about modern Indian girls we're talking about rape in India know the difference because India is still a developing nation

by Anonymous 11 years ago

wait mister, the same police officers lock up young men at just a complaint of rape (without any evidence) the same police officers arrest the whole family (at just a complaint of domestic violence) the same police officers do not spare young children the same police officers think a 3 yr old child can commit violence against a 25 yr old woman..

by Anonymous 11 years ago

first you say you trust what the police say that false rape is 90% you said the police officer is more reliable than a study now you say police are bad who lock innocent men up make up your mind already

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i won't try to convince you because you are a person who believes in STUDIES.... perhaps you know what STUDIES HAVE found:- sometimes a study finds that drinking coffee enhances sleep another study says it's reverse... lol

by Anonymous 11 years ago

that's because the coffee studies looked at different factors such as different kinds of coffee at different times of the day and you are a person who makes false claims with no evidence you only have words with no support

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

calling me an idiot does not make you right it makes you even more wrong also first you said police said this statistic then you say police are mean to children and put men in jail with no evidence you can't have it both ways

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i never said that 'normal' muslims were terrorists. talibans are extremists but they are also muslims. (aren't they?) and these are the muslims i am talking about. i haven't said that islam is faulty of making them terrorists. but these "extremists" do use the religion as a weapon for persuading young people to become terrorists (don't they?) yes, there are different kinds of 'terrorists' viz. naxalites, maoists... but these are regional in nature... while the terrorists like Osama Bin Laden operate on International level.. and i think you'll agree with the view that an international problem is more serious than a regional problem. It also gets more attention than a regional problem. regional problems are also significant but as compared to the international ones, they are less significant.. for example- people in india and usa share one common fear:- what if a terrorist throws a bomb at my car, house or ME.. but you are sure that a naxalite or a maoist or ltte members will never attack you. aren't you?? ISLAM doesn't make terrorists but the extremists use ISLAM as a tool to get more people on their side (those who can sacrifice themselves in the name of ALLAH) Many of the terrorists do not become terrorists at will. either they are forced (by kidnapping or simply threatening) or given BRIBE (if they happen to be from a poor family and in urgent need of money) or are "brainwashed" to do so (they are made to think that muslims are in trouble everywhere and they are not doing wrong thing by terrorising people. they are made to believe that they will get JANNAT for killing people) many "extremists" also awards honors to those terrorists who get killed by police. they call them SHAHEED (a person who died for a noble cause, protecting their country, religion or the like) that's why i consider muslim terrorism the worst problem. this form of terrorism also contributes to making muslims backward in terms of education, economic status etc. this IS a serious problem and it needs to be alleviated. other forms of violence are also bad enough but they do not affect the WORLD as badly as muslim terrorism does. Also, since muslim terrorists use religion as a tool, they are defaming their own religion. many Indian muslims (even bollywood stars) are treated as suspected terrorists when they go to usa or other countries. isn't this bad? other forms of terrorism are not based on religion (generally, they are not). so they don't lead to any defamation of any religion. that's why muslim terrorism is worst. amirite??? Please read the whole comment before replying...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

i am disturbed by terrorism and i totally agree that it is dangerous for society. i would like to add a point:- there are several forms of violence that are as bad as terrorism but they are not labelled as terrorism for example:- naxal problem in certain parts of india ( it is a local problem but still it is serious) the massacre by buddhists in burma and all such cases I think governments should consider these problems as much as terrorism because while terrorist attacks GENERALLY happen to be from abroad, these local problems make the system weak from within. i hope you know about naxalites and how serious they are??? I am surprised why such things are labelled as "insurgency" why aren't they considered "internal terrorism" or something like that. pakistan, is also facing such internal issuses but the politicians over there say it is caused by INDIA... iNSTEAD OF solving the problem, they're blaming India... see you later , going for lunch

by Anonymous 11 years ago