+74 People need to stop saying, "[activity] is a sport!" as if there are ranks of art, skill and sport with sport as the highest. All three can be difficult, admirable and impressive, but they are different categories of activity. Even some Olympic events are more like skills or arts than strict sports, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ok. Now I know the real definition, but the main focus of my post remains. A sport is no better than a skill or art. They are just different sub-classes of activity. I meant that dance, for instance, in and of itself is an art form, but gains sporting characteristics when made competitive. Sports like tennis or badminton are inherently sports, and removing the sporting characteristics removes the entire activity, so they are 'pure' sports, as in sport and nothing else. For Inuyasha fans: Sort of like how Inuyasha, being a half-demon, was only made human on Mount Hakurei, while a full demon would have been disintegrated. In conclusion, dance, gymnastics, and running are all skills and/or art forms, but become sports when made competitive. The post refers to people making them seem like they're inherently sporting and are sports no matter what the situation.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Marching band. 'Nuff said.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Read the first comment. A marching band can be used exclusively for entertainment, and there can be no winner or loser. Only in competition does it become a sport, but in and of itself is not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

trampoline jumping...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Read the first comment. Trampoline jumping can be used exclusively for entertainment, and there can be no winner or loser. Only in competition does it become a sport, but in and of itself is not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago