+37 Anybody who is still voting for Romney after the "47%" thing either believe they are victimized by the tax system when they actually benefit from it more than the average citizen like Romney believes; or doesn't realize Romney is talking about themselves, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You realize there's also 53% of people that Romney didn't talk about and could still vote for him, right? I'm definitely not voting for Romney (that decision was made long before the 47% comment) but I disagree that those are the only reasons left for people to vote for him.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Of course, those 53% are the one's that might feel victimized by the tax system like Romney. My family's not in the 47% and we were never going to vote for Romney.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh okay I think I misread your post... Regardless, there are still probably people voting for reasons other than those listed. Like for social reasons instead of economic reasons.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Right, but most people wouldn't vote for someone who just bashed them. Regardless, I believe anyone voting for Romney was an idiot before this scandal, and I believe anyone voting for him after it is an even bigger idiot.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know why I'm getting downvoted because I agree with you! I just think there's some people who dislike Obama so much (like people who don't want gay rights or women's rights) that they will vote for Romney regardless of his comments about the 47%. However, I am NOT in that group if I didn't make that clear enough before.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No I understand completely! I'm not the one downvoting you, and I know you agree with me. Despite whatever Romney says some people still believe he's better than Obama. I just think those people are idiots.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Romney lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's pretty much my reaction too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Doesn't matter. His statement doesn't make Barack Obama's skin white, so it won't change a thing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Check Huffington Post, Romney was quoted saying with the 100's of question sessions and debates and speeches, sometimes people are going to say something that comes out bad, and in this case it was completely wrong. With that said, he had a good point poorly conveyed. I'm on food stamps and have medicaid because I have to right now. RIGHT NOW. I haven't met a single person in this welfare town I live in that wasn't on something and not trying to better themselves at ALL. It's sad and pathetic to let someone else's hardwork take care of you while making ZERO effort to change anything. It's for people who need HELP not leeches on society. Obama enables the leeches because he wants to keep the people WEAK like most other Dems.

by Anonymous 12 years ago