I worked at a camp with first and second graders over the summer
Some of the things they said were really amazing. My favorite was when we were walking past this wall that has a big painting of scientists playing with children. A kid pointed to some random girl under the table, and said "Who's that?"
I was explaining to them how it could be anyone, blah blah blah, and this little girl goes "That's Jesus's wife!"
by Anonymous12 years ago
by Anonymous12 years ago
what sort of horrible camp did u have to go to? if all the damn kid was brain washed to think of was Jesus, well, at least he got a wife!!
by Anonymous12 years ago
It was a camp at this place called the Science Center
It really has nothing to do with jesus, it was just something a random kid said. The camp itself had no religious (or anti-religious) teachings.
She was like five, I don't really think it's brain-washing.
When I was five I thought fairies were real.
by Anonymous12 years ago
fairies are real !
by Anonymous12 years ago
Oh sorry *Clap clap clap clap clap*
I didn't say they weren't, but just in case.
I'm a HUGE fan of the book peter pan, and I don't want to kill any fairies.
by Anonymous12 years ago
People aks questions like little kids when they smoke weed, amirite?
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago
by Anonymous 12 years ago