-11 PC is the best gaming platform, because if your hardware gets outdated you can always swap out the components yourself, so it takes a lot longer for your system to get outdated, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's better if you know how to do that, and even then, only slightly. Having a console only gets out dated every 4-5 years, and for the xBox/ps3 generation, almost 10 years. That seems much easier for more people.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If you're looking at it from a financial view, a gaming PC is ridiculously more expensive than consoles. Sure there is extra functionality with a PC and you can torrent any games you please, but it's still good bit of cash you have to put on the table. I had my 360 elite for four years and got the newer model when it was released. It's also very little maintenance compared to a PC. If you're looking for performance, there is no contest.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Lick my tits

by Anonymous 11 years ago