+71 The majority of our population listens to some pretty vulgar music. There should be less songs about sex, rape, drugs, etc. Who comes up with the idea for these anyway, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Listen to something else. There's a song from the 20's where a woman is singing about the circumference of her nipples and how hard they are and wanting them to be licked. Music has, is, and always will be vulgar so long as anything vulgar exists. People like the songs, people like making them. Why should there be less than there is if the majority likes it? I don't think we should have more songs about it. I don't think we should have less songs about it. I don't think the number of songs about it should stay the same. I don't really care how many songs there are about something when I don't like the songs anyway.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The store where I used to work would often play music from the 50's and I think there were some pretty sexual messages in them. The only difference is there weren't any curse words.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I know! I want to go back to the days of songs like "Excitable Boy," "A Day in the Life," and "Bad Bad Leroy Brown." The previous generation's vulgar songs are much better than today's generation of vulgar songs. To be fair though, those were musically better than much of today's pop music. The fact that today's music is about sex, rape, and drugs is not what makes most of today's pop music bad.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Maybe we should all just make more songs about love! We definitely don't have enough songs about it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The majority of music is not about sex, drugs, or rape. Out of the 270 songs I frequently listen to (at least twice a week), only two are about drugs: Nine in the Afternoon, and The Joker. Two are about sex, and none are about rape. If you truly believe that most music is about those three things, you do not know music well enough.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

News flash, singing songs about being happy and everything being all perfect gets boring.

by Anonymous 11 years ago