+64 People who smoke weed: you hate it when other smokers say that marijuana isn't a drug because it's natural, or that there are zero negative effects of smoking, or that weed actually makes you smarter. Those irrational people make us all look stupid and are the reason that weed's still illegal, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If you're a mod and you happen to see this could you change "kids" to "other smokers"? Thanks much!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I've heard that smoking it as a teenager results in an average decline in IQ by about 8 points and that it increases the risk of testicular cancer.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Those people are misguided, but how are they the reason weed is still illegal? Weed is illegal because gullible people (i call them sheep) buy into the scare tactics and propaganda put out there about marijuana.

by Anonymous 11 years ago