+70 Guys: you like girls who are content with their body and don't need to bash on other people's bodies to feel good about themselves, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think this can apply to just people in general

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's in response to skinny-hate posts.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I hat skinny-hate. It's just dripping with jealousy. Jesus Christ. And even if the skinny person in question was anorexic, WHY would you want to bash them for it? You should be supportive and kind to them so their illness is cured. My god, the stupidity of people baffles me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, anorexia can be considered somewhat a phobia. It's an irrational fear of gaining weight that leads to a metabolic response making the person digest food fast and other stuff I just read about. I'm not saying that hateing anorexic people, but they also don't see their body as a good thing and think it's too fat, so fat people could easily be hurt by that. That's what I understand through wikipedia... here's the link to tell me what I got wrong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anorexia_nervosa

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Eating disorders in general often stem from the victim's desire for control more than even dealing with body image. Body image is obviously large part of it, but starving oneself or otherwise usually serves as a method of gaining stability. Either way it's something to be taken very seriously and not mocked.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well anorexia isn't starving yourself entirely. It can lead to doing it though, but it's jus that you get hungry all the time then get afraid you'll get fat then you stop eating then you get hungry really fast again. But obese people are verbally assaulted too so they shouldn't be ignored or anything, since they have been hated on by every sort of body other than their own.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah, but I don't search for people like that. If they are envious, it's not like they can just control their emotions to make you happier.

by Anonymous 11 years ago