-58 Just because someone is living at a poverty level income, doesn't mean they should be allowed to sit around at home and walk to the mailbox for their weekly drug money. People should not be given money by the government unless they are disabled or elderly. Period. Otherwise, get a job. Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

there are other categories not every individual who is at the poverty line who isn't disabled or elderly sits around at home with money handed to him/her job availability differs from location to location and sometimes a family just needs temporary help before finding something parents are laid off through no fault of their own don't let the slackers define a whole group

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You make true statements. The fault it the governments fault, though, for not more closely restricting who is and is not eligible for welfare.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I remember a couple of years ago my old high school teacher suggested that those who receive assistance also do some work work that helps with the community

by Anonymous 11 years ago

If only it were that easy to get a job.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

& a well paying job at that

by Anonymous 11 years ago

1.) This whole 'people on welfare use it for drugs' thing is complete bullshit. Studies have shown no connection between substance abuse and those on welfare. 2.) Loads of people can't find a job in this economy, or even in better times. Does that automatically mean they're lazy? No. Often times they just need some help to get back on their feet or support their family. It's shit that people complain about how bad the economy is but then also about higher welfare rates. The two are directly related. Of course there's going to be more welfare users because a lot of these people have clearly lost their jobs and need help. 3.) A lot of the time welfare recipients are required to apply for at least x jobs every month/prove they're trying to find a job in order to continue getting support. I wouldn't call that sitting around doing nothing.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I once met a guy who was one of the slackers mentioned in the post, whenever he had to apply for a job he would always deliberately not get it by filling in the application stupidly or messing up the interview on purpose. Incase you were wonding about someone I once met...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There's horrific poverty in America, yet people are so obsessed with pinpointing the tiny minority of people who actually leech off the government that they completely ignore the huge amount of people who are given insufficient help and have their whole lives fucked over as a result. There are actual homeless children, ridiculous numbers in some areas, and you're worried about unemployment benefit? Seriously?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Also, I can't believe that you don't understand that a. looking for a job doesn't automatically mean you'll get one and b. you can have a job and still be at poverty level income. I could go on but this post is so ignorant that pointing out all the flaws would take hours.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Whatever. Cupcakes are fucking delicious.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm confused, are you a troll or do you really think this?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Also consider that many individuals with University degrees are unemployed as well. Yes, that also includes the ''hard'' degrees like Engineering and Sciences. Even lawyers are finding themselves without a job. Employers are becoming more and more strict with their requirements and many degreed individuals are finding themselves having to settle for ''less-than-glamorous'' jobs; especially the fresh ones out of school. I think it's good that the government provides a level of welfare for people; especially for those who are just starting out in the ''real world.'' A quick google search will give you the same results. I do agree with your general idea that some people do jack shit and need to get jobs.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I think that if they're on welfare then they should have to do volunteering/some kind of community service until they get a job and can come off of the welfare.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ok! Let's just go get a job! Because there's a job available for everyone! And once we find that job, it will be totally possible to support yourself without any assistance. http://www.upworthy.com/how-many-minimum-wage-work-hours-does-it-take-to-afford-a-2-bdrm-apartment-in-yo Oh but wait, everyone should have gone to college, or at the very least lie and mud sling their way into a high paying job. If this is your real opinion, you're ignorant, judgmental, and a cunt. I don't usually call people a cunt either.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

SO many things wrong with this. Not everyone can find a good job that pays much more than minimum wage. Not everyone goes to college or has the right connections. Most people who get poverty-level income have JOBS because that's where income comes from. Most people who can't find good jobs are not drug addicts, just regular people who struggle. And you can't just abandon people who are having a hard time, because there are many hard circumstances that affect a lot of people who aren't elderly or disabled. Some people are almost just as helpless. Wow you're a terrible person, I can reach that conclusion without knowing anything about you besides this post.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Jobs aren't always available, which is why this post is biased.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I 'member when I had a job.....

by Anonymous 4 years ago