+35 Soccer players: After a long day of tournament games taking your socks off is a tricky business especially when you add cramps into the equation, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why doesn't this apply to all athletes?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Because they're are no other sports of continuous running for 90 minutes a game add in 3 games a day that's 4 and half hours of accumulative running in one day... Tell me another sport you've done that in

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Okay, but that doesn't mean that other athletes don't experience similar, if not the same, post-tournament struggles. Not that I personally play these, but sports including (but not limited to) lacrosse, biking, running (cross country, marathons), and basketball have the potential to have at least as much running as soccer? I'm not trying to degrade soccer; all I was saying was that you could get a lot more votes if your post weren't so narrow.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Also, if you're jumping constantly, that works your calves at least as much as running does.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

As it may be this is not the main point of the post.

by Anonymous 11 years ago