+45 Someday when humanity has achieved everything it needs and eliminated all problems, we need to invent a simulator that can generate an incredibly difficult personal challenge for each individual one of us that we can spend some time each day working to achieve in private. At the end of our lives, it could reveal to our loved ones the amazing challenge we spent our lives overcoming in that simulator, and display the highlights, and the final product of all our time, Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This sounds interesting. What about those who have already selected their challenge though? And how will the challenges be selected? Can a survey be issued to guide people toward a specific challenge?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It could subconsciously run simulations through our brain and scan the fields that we would be most interested, talented and involved in, then program a challenge that would seem impossible to anybody not as involved in or talented in, and only physically possible for that individual. The most amazing feats could be in some hall of fame

by Anonymous 11 years ago