+189 There's always that one teacher that either everyone hates and you like, or that everyone likes and you hate, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My 9th grade Spanish teacher, nobody liked her, but she was my favorite teacher that year

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pre AP algebra II teacher. Everyone hates her class because she was really boring and monotone. But she was a GREAT teacher if you just stayed awake and listened. I felt really bad for her too because she was really sweet but nobody ever gave her a chance.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Nobody at my school really liked my 7th grade science teacher except for me and one other girl. She was a really awesome teacher, but everyone made fun of her accent and gave her a tough time because she wasn't from here. But the things she would teach you if you actually paid attention in her class were //amazing//! It was my //favorite// class that year. Unfortunately, though, because the other kids were such assholes to her, she left the school right after that school year ended. Too bad, too; she really was an awesome teacher.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is exactly how I feel with my choir teacher. I absolutely love her, but everyone around me seems to hate her, even the ones that aren't in her class! But the people who claim to hate her and call her a witch are the trouble makers/chatter boxes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yep. Everyone hates my ACT prep teacher but I like her and everyone loves my US history teacher but I don’t like him because he is very rude to me and he seems to like everyone except for me.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Pre calc and foundations grade ten teacher. Love her. I always like the teachers that don’t take their students shenanigans and actually call you out when you’re being a dumbass.

by Anonymous 9 months ago